Writing adapters

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This chapter provides a step-by-step guide to implement adapters in pure Python. For writing Python bindings for other languages, see Python bindings.

Completing the chapter will result in two adapters called Scale and TimeInterpolation. We will build up the adapters step by step, accompanied by some test code.

It is assumed that you have FINAM installed, as well as pytest.

Set up a Python project

Create the following project structure:

- dummy_adapters/
   +- src/

Simple Scale adapter

This is a simple, purely pull-based adapter. When output is requested, it should simply pull from its input, transform and forward it.

We implement Adapter and only need to overwrite its method get_data(self, time), which is called from downstream to request data.

File src/scale.py:

import finam as fm

class Scale(fm.Adapter):
    def __init__(self, scale):
        self.scale = scale

    def _get_data(self, time):
        d = self.pull_data(time)
        return d * self.scale

In _get_data(self, time), we:

  1. Pull the input for the requested time
  2. Multiply the input by scale and return the result

Time-dependent TimeInterpolation adapter

The purpose of this adapter is to do temporal interpolation between upstream time steps. As an example, there could be a model with a weekly time step that passes data to another model with a daily time step. Assuming continuous transitions of the modelled data, temporal interpolation between the weekly time steps is required.

  ^                          V
  |                        _.o----
  |                    _.-´
  |                _.-´|
  |            _.-´    |
  |      V _.-´        |
  |  ----o´            |
  +-------------------------------------> t

Here, a simple pull-based mechanism is not sufficient. The adapter needs to store each new data entry that becomes available, and calculate the interpolated data when requested.

Due to FINAM's scheduling algorithm, it is guaranteed that the time stamp of any request lies in the interval of the previous two time steps of any other component (see Coubling and Scheduling for details). Thus, it is not required to store data for more than two time stamps.

Accordingly, this is the constructor (file src/time_interpolation.py):

import finam as fm

class TimeInterpolation(fm.Adapter):

    def __init__(self):
        self.old_data = None
        self.new_data = None

The adapter needs to react to downstream requests as well as to new data available upstream. This functionality is provided by Adapter's methods _get_data(self, time) and _source_updated(self, time), respectively.

import finam as fm

class TimeInterpolation(fm.Adapter):

    def __init__(self):
        self.old_data = None
        self.new_data = None

    def _source_updated(self, time):

    def _get_data(self, time):

In _source_updated(...), we need to store incoming data:

import finam as fm

class TimeInterpolation(fm.Adapter):

    def __init__(self):
        self.old_data = None
        self.new_data = None

    def _source_updated(self, time):
        self.old_data = self.new_data
        self.new_data = (time, fm.data.strip_data(self.pull_data(time)))

    def _get_data(self, time):

We "move" the previous new_data to old_data, and replace new_data by the incoming data, as a (time, data) tuple. As the output time will differ from the input time, we need to strip the time off the data by calling strip_data(data).

In _get_data(...), we can now do the interpolation whenever data is requested from upstream.

import finam as fm

class TimeInterpolation(fm.Adapter):

    def __init__(self):
        self.old_data = None
        self.new_data = None

    def _source_updated(self, time):
        self.old_data = self.new_data
        self.new_data = (time, fm.data.strip_data(self.pull_data(time)))

    def _get_data(self, time):
        if self.old_data is None:
            return self.new_data[1]

        dt = (time - self.old_data[0]) / (self.new_data[0] - self.old_data[0])

        o = self.old_data[1]
        n = self.new_data[1]

        return o + dt * (n - o)

In _get_data(...), the following happens:

  1. If only one data entry was received so far, we can't interpolate and simply return the available data. Otherwise...
  2. Calculate dt as the relative position of time in the available data interval (in range [0, 1])
  3. Interpolate and return the data

Note that, although we use datetime when calculating dt, we get a scalar output. Due to dt being relative, time units cancel out here.