
This book has moved to the FINAM documentation. You are viewing an outdated version!

FINAM is primarily a collection of interfaces that allows different models and other components to communicate.

For all interfaces, FINAM also provides abstract or concrete implementations to speed up component development.

Class diagram

The following figure shows a diagram of FINAM's core interfaces and classes. Arrows indicate inheritance. The properties and methods are those typically used or implemented by developers.


Components represent linkable entities like models. There are two interfaces for components: IComponent and ITimeComponent.


IComponent serves for pull-based components without an explicit time step. It provides all the basic methods required for component communication and execution.

  • initialize(self) sets up the component
  • connect(self) pushes initial values to output slots
  • validate(self) checks the component for validity
  • update(self) makes a calculation step
  • finalize(self) shuts down the component

These methods are called by the scheduler in the given order (and repeatedly for update()), each for all components, before proceeding to the next method.

For each of these methods, there is a private method with the same name and an underscore prefix, like _initialize(self). Component developers implement these private methods, which are called internally by their public counterpart. For details, see chapter Writing components.

To access a component's input and output slots, there are the properties:

  • inputs returns a dict-like of IInput slots by name
  • outputs returns a dict-like of IOutput slots by name


  • status returns the component's current ComponentStatus (CREATED, INITIALIZED, ...)

The abstract class Component provides a basic implementation for IComponent. Classes extending Component must override methods named of the first block, with underscore, like _initialize(). inputs, outputs and status are provided as basic implementations.


ITimeComponent extends IComponent and serves for components with explicit time step, like simulation models. In addition to IComponent, it adds one property:

  • time should report the component's current time, as a datetime object

As ITimeComponent extends IComponent, only ITimeComponent needs to be implemented.

The abstract class TimeComponent provides a basic implementation for ITimeComponent. It is basically identical to Component, and in addition provides a basic implementation for time.

Inputs and Outputs

Interfaces IInput and IOutput define coupling slots.

In module sdk, Input and Output are provided as implementations for IInput and IOutput, respectively. They should suffice most use cases.


IInput represents a data exchange input slot, with the following methods:

  • set_source(self, source) sets an IOutput as source for this input
  • get_source(self) returns the IOutput that is the source for this input
  • source_updated(self, time) informs the input that the connected IOutput has new data available
  • pull_data(self, time) retrieves and returns the connected IOutput's data

Components usually only use pull_data(self, time) in their _update(self) method. All other methods are only used under the hood.

All these methods are implemented in Input, so there is normally no need to write an own implementation for IInput.

Another implementation is provided by CallbackInput, for use in push-based components without a time step. They can connect to source_updated(self, time) by providing a callback function.

Other classes derived from Input can overwrite the private _source_updated(self, time) method, which is called by source_updated(self, time).


IOutput represents a data exchange output slot, with the following methods:

  • add_target(self, target) adds an IInput as target for this output
  • get_target(self) returns the list of IInput targets of this output
  • push_data(self, data, time) is used to populate the output with data after an update
  • notify_targets(self, time) informs coupled IInputs that new data is available
  • get_data(self, time) returns the data in this output
  • chain(self, input) connects this output to an IInput (or an adapter)

Components usually only use _push_data(self, data, time) in their update(self) method. During coupling setups, chain(self, input) or it's synonym operator >> are used. All other methods are only used under the hood.

All these methods are implemented in Output, so there is normally no need to write an own implementation for IOutput.

Other classes derived from Output can overwrite the private _get_data(self, time) method, which is called by get_data(self, time).


Adapters serve for data transformations between outputs and inputs of different components.


The interface IAdapter serves for implementing adapters. It simply combines IInput and IOutput, so it is both at the same time. IAdapter provides all the methods of IInput and IOutput, but most of them are only used under the hood.

Classes implementing IAdapter can extend Adapter, which provides default implementations for Input and Output methods.

Time-independent/one-shot adapters need to override _get_data(self, time). Inside this method, they get their input via self.pull_data(time), transform it, and return the result.

Time-aware adapters, e.g. for temporal interpolation, usually override _source_updated(self, time) and _get_data(self, time). In _source_updated(self, time), incoming data is collected (and potentially aggregated), while in _get_data(self, time) the result is returned.

For details, see chapter Writing adapters.


Some time-aware adapters may not allow for branching in the subsequent adapter chain. I.e. they do not support multiple target components. For these cases, NoBranchAdapter is provided as a marker interface without any methods.