"""NetCDF helper classes and functions"""
# pylint: disable=R0902
import fnmatch
import finam as fm
import numpy as np
from netCDF4 import num2date
"altitude": "up",
"atmosphere_ln_pressure_coordinate": "down",
"atmosphere_sigma_coordinate": "down",
"atmosphere_hybrid_sigma_pressure_coordinate": "down",
"atmosphere_sigma": "down",
"ocean_sigma_coordinate": "up",
"ocean_s_coordinate": "down",
"ocean_s_coordinate_g1": "down",
"ocean_s_coordinate_g2": "down",
"ocean_s_coordinate_g1_threshold": "down",
"ocean_s_coordinate_g2_threshold": "down",
"ocean_sea_water_sigma": "down",
"ocean_sea_water_sigma_theta": "down",
"ocean_sea_water_potential_temperature": "down",
"ocean_sea_water_salinity": "down",
"ocean_density": "down",
"ocean_sigma": "down",
"ocean_isopycnal_coordinate": "down",
"ocean_isopycnal_potential_density": "down",
"ocean_isopycnal_theta": "down",
"ocean_isopycnal_sigma": "down",
"ocean_layer": "down",
"ocean_sigma_z": "down",
"ocean_sigma_theta": "down",
"ocean_double_sigma_coordinate": "down",
"ocean_double_sigma_coordinate_g1": "down",
"ocean_double_sigma_coordinate_g2": "down",
"ocean_double_sigma_coordinate_g1_threshold": "down",
"ocean_double_sigma_coordinate_g2_threshold": "down",
"ocean_z_coordinate": "down",
"ocean_z_coordinate_g1": "down",
"ocean_z_coordinate_g2": "down",
"ocean_z_coordinate_g1_threshold": "down",
"ocean_z_coordinate_g2_threshold": "down",
"height": "up",
"height_above_geopotential_surface": "up",
"height_above_reference_ellipsoid": "up",
"height_above_sea_floor": "up",
"depth": "down",
"depth_below_geoid": "down",
"depth_below_sea_floor": "down",
"time": {
"axis": ("T",),
"units": ("*since*",), # globing for anything containing "since"
"calendar": (
"standard_name": ("time",),
"long_name": ("time",),
"_CoordinateAxisType": ("Time",),
"cartesian_axis": ("T",),
"grads_dim": ("t",),
"longitude": {
# "axis": ("X",), # using this will falsely find X as lon
"units": (
"standard_name": ("longitude",),
"long_name": ("longitude",),
"_CoordinateAxisType": ("Lon",),
"latitude": {
# "axis": ("Y",), # using this will falsely find Y as lat
"units": (
"standard_name": ("latitude",),
"long_name": ("latitude",),
"_CoordinateAxisType": ("Lat",),
"Z": {
"axis": ("Z",),
"standard_name": tuple(Z_STD_NAME_POSITIVE),
"long_name": (
"pressure level",
"vertical level",
"positive": ("up", "down"),
"_CoordinateAxisType": (
"cartesian_axis": ("Z",),
"grads_dim": ("z",),
"X": {
"standard_name": ("projection_x_coordinate",),
"_CoordinateAxisType": ("GeoX",),
"axis": ("X",),
"cartesian_axis": ("X",),
"grads_dim": ("x",),
"Y": {
"standard_name": ("projection_y_coordinate",),
"_CoordinateAxisType": ("GeoY",),
"axis": ("Y",),
"cartesian_axis": ("Y",),
"grads_dim": ("y",),
def logical_eqv(a, b):
"""Logical equivalence."""
return (a and b) or (not a and not b)
def find_axis(name, dataset):
Find axis by CF-convention hints.
name : str
Name of the axis to find ("time", "X", "Y", "Z", "latitude", "longitude")
dataset : netCDF4.Dataset
The netcdf dataset to analyse.
set of str
All variables that are candidates for the given axis.
If given name is not a valid axis.
if name not in ATTRS:
raise ValueError(f"NetCDF: '{name}' not a valid axis")
att_rules = ATTRS[name]
def create_checker(attr):
Create a checking function to be passed to 'get_variables_by_attributes'.
attr : str
Name of attribute that should be checked.
def checker(value):
"""Attribute value checker."""
matches = set()
for rule in att_rules[attr]:
matches = matches.union(set(fnmatch.filter([str(value)], rule)))
return any(matches)
return checker
# find all variables that match any rule
axis = set()
for att in att_rules:
ax_vars = dataset.get_variables_by_attributes(**{att: create_checker(att)})
axis = axis.union([v.name for v in ax_vars])
return axis
def check_order_reversed(order):
Check if axes order is reversed.
order : str
axes order
True if axes order is reversed
if order is neither standard nor reversed
if order in "xyz" or order == "xz":
return False
if order in "zyx" or order == "zx":
return True
raise ValueError(f"NetCDF: axes order is neither standard nor reversed: '{order}'")
def is_transect(order):
Check if axes order is defining a transect.
order : str
axes order
True if axes order is "yz", "xz", "zy" or "zx"
return order in ["yz", "xz", "zy", "zx"]
def _set_z_down(dataset, zvars):
z_down = {} # specify direction of z axis
for z in zvars:
z_down[z] = None # None to indicate unknown
if "positive" in dataset[z].ncattrs():
z_down[z] = dataset[z].getncattr("positive") == "down"
elif "standard_name" in dataset[z].ncattrs():
std_name = dataset[z].getncattr("standard_name")
if std_name in Z_STD_NAME_POSITIVE:
z_down[z] = Z_STD_NAME_POSITIVE[std_name] == "down"
return z_down
class DatasetInfo:
Dataset Info container.
dataset : netCDF4.Dataset
The netcdf dataset to analyse.
If multiple time dimensions are present.
def __init__(self, dataset):
cname = "coordinates"
bname = "bounds"
# may includes dims for bounds
self.dims = set(dataset.dimensions)
# coordinates are variables with same name as a dim
self.coords = set(dataset.variables) & self.dims
self.coords_with_bounds = {
c for c in self.coords if bname in dataset[c].ncattrs()
# bound variables need to be treated separately
self.bounds = {dataset[c].getncattr(bname) for c in self.coords_with_bounds}
self.bounds_map = {
c: dataset[c].getncattr(bname) for c in self.coords_with_bounds
# bnd specific dims are all dims from bounds that are not coords
dim_sets = [set()] + [set(dataset[b].dimensions) for b in self.bounds]
self.bounds_dims = set.union(*dim_sets) - self.coords
# remove bound specific dims from dims
self.dims -= self.bounds_dims
# all relevant data in the file
self.data = set(dataset.variables) - self.bounds - self.coords
# all relevant data on spatial grids
self.data_with_all_coords = {
d for d in self.data if set(dataset[d].dimensions) <= self.coords
self.data_without_coords = {
d for d in self.data if not (set(dataset[d].dimensions) & self.coords)
self.data_dims_map = {d: dataset[d].dimensions for d in self.data}
# get auxiliary coordinates (given under coordinate attribute and are not dims)
self.data_with_aux = {d for d in self.data if cname in dataset[d].ncattrs()}
self.aux_coords_map = {
d: dataset[d].getncattr(cname).split(" ") for d in self.data_with_aux
# needs at least one set for "union"
aux_sets = [set()] + [set(aux) for _, aux in self.aux_coords_map.items()]
# all auxiliary coordinates
self.aux_coords = set.union(*aux_sets) - self.coords
# find axis coordinates
self.time = find_axis("time", dataset) & self.coords
self.x = find_axis("X", dataset) & self.coords
self.y = find_axis("Y", dataset) & self.coords
self.z = find_axis("Z", dataset) & self.coords
self.z_down = _set_z_down(dataset, self.z)
self.lon = find_axis("longitude", dataset)
self.lat = find_axis("latitude", dataset)
self.x -= self.lon # treat lon separately from x-axis
self.y -= self.lat # treat lat separately from y-axis
# state if lat/lon are valid coord axis
self.lon_axis = bool(self.lon & self.coords)
self.lat_axis = bool(self.lat & self.coords)
self.all_axes = self.time | self.x | self.y | self.z
if self.lon_axis:
self.all_axes |= self.lon & self.coords
if self.lat_axis:
self.all_axes |= self.lat & self.coords
# we need a single time dimension or none
if len(self.time) > 1:
raise ValueError("NetCDF: only one time axis allowed in NetCDF file.")
self.all_static = not bool(self.time)
if not self.all_static:
tname = next(iter(self.time)) # get time dim name
self.static_data = {
d for d in self.data if tname not in dataset[d].dimensions
self.static_data = self.data
self.temporal_data = self.data - self.static_data
self.data_spatial_dims_map = {
d: [i for i in v if i not in self.time]
for d, v in self.data_dims_map.items()
def get_axes_order(self, dims):
Determine axes order from dimension names.
dims : list of str
Dimension names for given variable.
axes order
If dimension is not a valid axis.
If an axis is repeated.
order = ""
for d in dims:
if d not in self.all_axes:
raise ValueError(
f"NetCDF: '{d}' is not a valid axis for a gridded data variable. "
"If you need this variable, slice along this axis with a fix index."
if d in self.x:
order += "x"
if d in self.lon & self.coords and self.lon_axis:
order += "x"
if d in self.y:
order += "y"
if d in self.lat & self.coords and self.lat_axis:
order += "y"
if d in self.z:
order += "z"
if len(set(order)) != len(order):
raise ValueError(f"NetCDF: Data-axes are not uniquely given in '{dims}'.")
return order
class Variable:
Specifications for a NetCDF variable.
name : str
Variable name in the NetCDF file.
io_name : str, optional
Desired name of the respective Input/Output in the FINAM component.
Will be the variable name by default.
slices : dict of str, int, optional
Dictionary for fixed coordinate indices (e.g. {'time': 0})
static : bool or None, optional
Flag indicating static data. If None, this will be determined.
Writer will interprete None as False.
Default: None
Optional keyword arguments to instantiate an Info object (i.e. 'grid' and 'meta')
Used to overwrite meta data, to change units or to provide a desired grid specification.
def __init__(self, name, io_name=None, slices=None, static=None, **info_kwargs):
self.name = name
self.io_name = io_name or name
self.slices = slices or {}
self.static = static
self.info_kwargs = info_kwargs
def __repr__(self):
name, io_name, slices, static = (
return (
f"Variable({name=}, {io_name=}, {slices=}, {static=}, **{self.info_kwargs})"
def create_variable_list(variables):
Create a list of Variable instances.
variables : list of str or Variable
List containing Variable instances or names.
list of Variable
List containing only Variable instances.
return [var if isinstance(var, Variable) else Variable(var) for var in variables]
def extract_variables(dataset, variables=None, only_static=False):
Extract the variable information from a dataset following CF convention.
dataset : netCDF4.Dataset
Opened NetCDF dataset.
variables : list of Variable or str, optional
List of desired variables given by name or a :class:`Variable` instance.
By default, all variables present in the NetCDF file.
only_static : bool, optional
Only provide static variables, or variables with a fixed time slice.
Default: False
variables : list of Variable
Variables information.
info = DatasetInfo(dataset)
if variables is None:
variables = create_variable_list(info.static_data if only_static else info.data)
variables = create_variable_list(variables)
# check if all variables are present
if not set(v.name for v in variables) <= info.data:
miss = set(v.name for v in variables) - info.data
msg = f"NetCDF: some variables are not present in the file: {miss}"
raise ValueError(msg)
# check for static data
tname = None if info.all_static else next(iter(info.time))
for var in variables:
if info.all_static:
if var.static is not None and not var.static:
msg = f"NetCDF: Variable wasn't flagged static but is: {var.name}"
raise ValueError(msg)
var.static = True
static = var.name in info.static_data or tname in var.slices
if var.static is not None and not logical_eqv(var.static, static):
msg = f"NetCDF: Variable has a wrong static flag: {var.name}"
var.static = static
if only_static and not info.all_static:
if not all(var.static for var in variables):
temp = [var.name for var in variables if not var.static]
msg = f"NetCDF: Some variables are not static but should: {temp}"
raise ValueError(msg)
# check if all variables have correct dims and slices
for var in variables:
slice_dims = set(var.slices)
all_dims = set(info.data_dims_map[var.name])
if not slice_dims <= all_dims:
miss = slice_dims - all_dims
msg = f"NetCDF: Variable {var.name} doesn't have required dimensions for slicing: {miss}"
raise ValueError(msg)
if (
var.name not in info.data_with_all_coords
and not all_dims - slice_dims <= info.coords
miss = all_dims - slice_dims - info.coords
msg = f"NetCDF: Variable {var.name} misses coordinates: {miss}."
raise ValueError(msg)
return variables
def extract_time(dataset):
Extract the time coordinate name from a dataset following CF convention.
dataset : netCDF4.Dataset
Opened NetCDF dataset.
time : str or None
Name of time coordinate if present.
info = DatasetInfo(dataset)
return None if info.all_static else next(iter(info.time))
def extract_info(dataset, variable, current_time=None):
"""Extracts the Info object for the selected variable.
dataset : netCDF4.DataSet
The input dataset
variable : Variable
The variable definition
current_time : datetime.datetime or None
Current time for the Info object.
info = DatasetInfo(dataset)
data_var = dataset[variable.name]
# storing attributes of data_var in meta dict
meta = {name: data_var.getncattr(name) for name in data_var.ncattrs()}
# checks if axes were reversed or not
ax_names = [
for ax in info.data_spatial_dims_map[variable.name]
if ax not in variable.slices
order = info.get_axes_order(ax_names)
axes_reversed = check_order_reversed(order)
if axes_reversed:
ax_names = ax_names[::-1] # xyz order now
# this needs some work with the respective grid to be created correctly
if is_transect(order):
msg = f"NetCDF: {order} transect slices are not supported at the moment."
raise ValueError(msg)
# getting coordinates data
axes = [np.asarray(dataset.variables[ax][:]).copy() for ax in ax_names]
# _FillValue and missing_value not allowed for coordinates
axes_attrs = [
name: dataset.variables[ax].getncattr(name)
for name in dataset.variables[ax].ncattrs()
if name not in ["_FillValue", "missing_value"]
for ax in ax_names
if "grid" in variable.info_kwargs:
# use provided grid from variable object if present
grid = variable.info_kwargs["grid"]
# note: we use point-associated data here.
grid = fm.RectilinearGrid(
axes=[_create_point_axis(ax) for ax in axes],
# update with provided meta from variable object
add_meta = variable.get_meta()
if "units" in meta and "units" in add_meta:
u1, u2 = meta["units"], add_meta["units"]
if not fm.data.tools.equivalent_units(u1, u2):
name = variable.name
msg = f"NetCDF: {name} was provided with different units: {u1}, {u2}"
raise ValueError(msg)
return fm.Info(time=current_time, grid=grid, meta=meta)
def extract_data(dataset, variable, time_var=None, time_index=None):
"""Extracts the Info object for the selected variable.
dataset : netCDF4.DataSet
The input dataset
variable : Variable
The variable definition
time_var : str or None
Name of time coordinate if present.
time_index : int or None
Selected time index if data is not static.
data : numpy.ndarray or numpy.ma.MaskedArray
The data slice.
data_var = dataset[variable.name]
slices = variable.slices
if not variable.static:
slices[time_var] = time_index
return data_var[_get_slice(data_var.dimensions, slices)]
def _get_slice(dims, slices):
return tuple(slices.get(d, slice(None)) for d in dims)
def _create_point_axis(cell_axis):
"""Create a point axis from a cell axis"""
diffs = np.diff(cell_axis)
mid = cell_axis[:-1] + diffs / 2
first = cell_axis[0] - diffs[0] / 2
last = cell_axis[-1] + diffs[-1] / 2
return np.concatenate(([first], mid, [last]))
def create_time_dim(dataset, time_var):
"""returns a list of datetime.datetime objects for a given NetCDF4 time variable"""
if (
"units" not in dataset[time_var].ncattrs()
or "calendar" not in dataset[time_var].ncattrs()
raise AttributeError(
f"Variable {time_var} must have 'calendar' and 'units' attributes."
nctime = dataset[time_var][:]
time_cal = dataset[time_var].calendar
time_unit = dataset.variables[time_var].units
times = num2date(
nctime, units=time_unit, calendar=time_cal, only_use_cftime_datetimes=False
times = np.array(times).astype("datetime64[ns]")
times = times.astype("datetime64[s]").tolist()
return times
def create_nc_framework(
Creates a NetCDF file for given data.
dataset : netCDF4._netCDF4.Dataset
empty NetCDF file
time_var : str or None
name of the time variable
start_date : datetime.datetime
starting time
time_freq : datetime.datetime | str
time stepping
in_infos : dict
grid data and units for each output variable
in_data : dict
array data and units for each output variable
variables : list of Variable
Variable informations.
global_attrs : dict
global attributes for the NetCDF file inputted by the user
If there is a duplicated output parameter variable.
If the names of the XYZ coordinates do not match for all variables.
If a input coordinate is not in grid_info.axes_name variables.
# adding general user input attributes if any
if time_var is not None:
# creating time dim and var
dataset.createDimension(time_var, None)
t_var = dataset.createVariable(time_var, np.float64, (time_var,))
if isinstance(time_freq, str):
freq = time_freq
elif time_freq.days != 0:
freq = "days"
elif time_freq.seconds // 3600 != 0:
freq = "hours"
elif (time_freq.seconds // 60) % 60 != 0:
freq = "minutes"
freq = "seconds"
t_var.units = f"{freq} since {start_date}"
t_var.calendar = "standard"
for var in variables:
grid = in_infos[var.io_name].grid
if not isinstance(grid, fm.data.StructuredGrid):
msg = f"NetCDF: {var.name} is not given on a structured grid."
raise ValueError(msg)
axes_names = (
if grid.axes_reversed
else tuple(grid.axes_names)
for i, ax in enumerate(axes_names):
if ax in dataset.variables:
# check if existing axes is same as this one
ax1, ax2 = dataset[ax][:], grid.data_axes[i]
if np.size(ax1) == np.size(ax2) and np.allclose(ax1, ax2):
raise ValueError("NetCDF: can't add different axes with same name.")
dataset.createDimension(ax, len(grid.data_axes[i]))
dataset.createVariable(ax, grid.data_axes[i].dtype, (ax,))
dataset[ax].setncattr("axis", "XYZ"[i])
dataset[ax][:] = grid.data_axes[i]
# add axis bounds if data location is cells
dim = (time_var,) * (not var.static) + axes_names
dtype = np.asanyarray(in_data[var.io_name].magnitude).dtype
ncvar = dataset.createVariable(var.name, dtype, dim)
meta = in_infos[var.io_name].meta
ncvar.setncatts({n: str(v) if n == "units" else v for n, v in meta.items()})