Source code for finam_plot.schedule

"""Schedule visualization."""
from datetime import datetime

import finam as fm
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from .plot import PlotBase

[docs] class SchedulePlot(PlotBase): """Live visualization of module update schedule. Takes inputs of arbitrary types and simply plots the time of notifications of each input. Uses :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. .. code-block:: text +--------------+ --> [custom] | | --> [custom] | SchedulePlot | --> [......] | | +--------------+ Note: This component is push-based without an internal time step. Examples -------- .. testcode:: constructor import finam_plot as fmp plot = fmp.SchedulePlot( inputs=["Grid1", "Grid2"], colors=["red", "#ff00ee"], marker="o", lw=2.0, # plot kwargs ) .. testcode:: constructor :hide: plot.initialize() Parameters ---------- inputs : list of str Input names. title : str, optional Title for plot and window. colors : list of str, optional List of colors for the inputs. Uses matplotlib default colors by default. pos : tuple(number, number), optional Figure position. ``int`` is interpreted as pixels, ``float`` is interpreted as fraction of screen size. size : tuple(number, number), optional Figure size. ``int`` is interpreted as pixels, ``float`` is interpreted as fraction of screen size. update_interval : int, optional Redraw interval (independent of data retrieval). **plot_kwargs Keyword arguments passed to plot function. See :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. """ def __init__( self, inputs, title=None, colors=None, pos=None, size=None, update_interval=1, **plot_kwargs, ): super().__init__(title, pos, size, update_interval, **plot_kwargs) self._time = None self._lines = None self._x = [[] for _ in inputs] self._input_names = inputs self._colors = colors or [e["color"] for e in plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"]] if "marker" not in self.plot_kwargs: self.plot_kwargs["marker"] = "+" def _initialize(self): """Initialize the component. After the method call, the component's inputs and outputs must be available, and the component should have status INITIALIZED. """ for inp in self._input_names: self.inputs.add( fm.CallbackInput(self._data_changed, name=inp, time=None, grid=None) ) self.create_connector() def _connect(self, start_time): """Push initial values to outputs. After the method call, the component should have status CONNECTED. """ if self.figure is None: self.create_figure() date_format = mdates.AutoDateFormatter(self.axes.xaxis) self.axes.xaxis.set_major_formatter(date_format) self.axes.tick_params(axis="x", labelrotation=20) self.axes.invert_yaxis() self.axes.set_yticks(range(len(self._input_names))) self.axes.set_yticklabels(self._input_names) self.figure.tight_layout() self.try_connect(start_time) def _validate(self): """Validate the correctness of the component's settings and coupling. After the method call, the component should have status VALIDATED. """ def _data_changed(self, caller, time): """Update for changed data. Parameters ---------- caller Caller. time : datetime simulation time to get the data for. """ if self._time != time: if self.should_repaint(): self.repaint(relim=True) self._time = time self._update_plot(caller, time) def _update_plot(self, caller, time): """Update the plot.""" if self._lines is None: self._lines = [ self.axes.plot( [datetime.min], i, label=h, c=self._colors[i % len(self._colors)], **self.plot_kwargs, )[0] for i, h in enumerate(self._input_names) ] for i, inp in enumerate(self._input_names): if self.inputs[inp] == caller: _ = self.inputs[inp].pull_data(time) self._x[i].append(time) for i, line in enumerate(self._lines): line.set_xdata(self._x[i]) line.set_ydata(i) def _finalize(self): """Finalize and clean up the component. After the method call, the component should have status FINALIZED. """ self.repaint(relim=True)