Source code for esmpy.api.constants

# $Id$

import numpy as np

from esmpy.util.enum import IntEnum

# Test exhaustive parameter

# error message
_errmsg = 'Please check the log files (named "*ESMF_LogFile").'
# ESMF TYPEKINDS mapped to Python types
_ESMF2PythonType = (0,0,0, np.int32, np.int64, np.float32, np.float64)
_Python2ESMFType = {\

#### CONSTANTS ################################################################

# weird ESMF stuff for ESMC_Initialize optional argument passing prototype
_ESMP_ArgLast = 11235813
_ESMP_ArgBaseID = 1
_ESMP_InitArgLogKindFlagID = _ESMP_ArgBaseID + 3

_ESMF_ABI = None
(_ESMF_ABI_64,_ESMF_ABI_32) = (64, 32)

_ESMF_OS = None
 _ESMF_OS_UNICOS) = (-6,-5,-4,-3)


_ESMF_PIO = False



# ESMPY_VERSION, this is required to avoid a circular import in loadESMF when
#  checking that the ESMF_VERSION matches esmpy.__version__

#### NAMED CONSTANTS ##########################################################

# CoordSys
class CoordSys(IntEnum):
    This flag indicates the coordinate system of a :class:`~esmpy.api.grid.Grid`. This value is
    useful both to indicate to other users the type of the coordinates,
    but also to control how the coordinates are interpreted in
    regridding methods (e.g. :class:`~esmpy.api.regrid.Regrid`).
    INVALID = -2
    UNINIT = -1
    CART = 0
    Cartesian coordinate system. In this system, the Cartesian
    coordinates are mapped to the :class:`~esmpy.api.grid.Grid` coordinate dimensions in the
    following order: x, y, z. (e.g. using coord_dim=1 in
    :class:`~esmpy.api.grid.Grid.get_coords()` references the y dimension)
    SPH_DEG = 1
    Spherical coordinates in degrees. In this system, the spherical
    coordinates are mapped to the :class:`~esmpy.api.grid.Grid` coordinate dimensions in the
    following order: longitude, latitude, radius. (E.g. using
    coord_dim=1 in :class:`~esmpy.api.grid.:class:`~esmpy.api.grid.Grid.get_coords()`` references the latitude dimension).
    SPH_RAD = 2
    Spherical coordinates in radians. In this system, the spherical
    coordinates are mapped to the :class:`~esmpy.api.grid.Grid` coordinate dimensions in the
    following order: longitude, latitude, radius. (E.g. using
    coord_dim=1 in :class:`~esmpy.api.grid.Grid.get_coords()` references the latitude dimension).

# DecompFlag
class DecompFlag(IntEnum):
    This flag indicates how object are distributed across the available
    computational resources.
    DEFAULT = 0
    Use default decomposition behavior. Currently equal to 'BALANCED'.
    BALANCED = 1
    Decompose elements as balanced as possible. The maximum
    difference in number of elements per DE is 1, with the extra elements on
    the lower DEs.
    Divide elements over DEs. Assign the rest of this division to the first DE.
    RESTLAST = 3
    Divide elements over DEs. Assign the rest of this division to the last DE.
    CYCLIC = 4
    Decompose elements cyclically across DEs.

# ExtrapMethod
[docs] class ExtrapMethod(IntEnum): """ Specify which extrapolation method to use on unmapped destination points after regridding. """ NONE = 0 """ Indicates that no extrapolation should be done. """ NEAREST_STOD = 1 """ Nearest source to destination. Here each destination point is mapped to the closest source point. A given source point may go to multiple destination points, but no destination point will receive input from more than one source point. """ NEAREST_IDAVG = 2 """ Inverse distance weighted average. Here the value of a destination point is the weighted average of the closest N source points. The weight is the reciprocal of the distance of the source point from the destination point raised to a power P. All the weights contributing to one destination point are normalized so that they sum to 1.0. The user can choose N and P when using this method, but defaults are also provided. """ CREEP_FILL = 3 """ Creep fill extrapolation. Here unmapped destination points are filled by repeatedly moving data from mapped locations to neighboring unmapped locations. The data filled into a new location is the average of its already filled neighbors' values. This process is repeated for a user specified number of levels (e.g. in Regrid() this is specified via the extrap_num_levels parameter). This extrapolation method is not supported with conservative regrid methods. """
# FileFormat class FileFormat(IntEnum): """ The :class:`~esmpy.api.grid.Grid` and :class:`~esmpy.api.mesh.Mesh` objects may be created from specifications in a NetCDF data file. This flag indicates the format of the data file. """ UNDEFINED = 0 VTK = 1 """ Use the VTK file format. """ SCRIP = 2 """ Use the :ref:`SCRIP <scrip>` file format. """ ESMFMESH = 3 """ Use the :ref:`ESMFMESH <esmfmesh>` unstructured grid file format. """ ESMFGRID = 4 """ Use the ESMF structured grid file format. """ UGRID = 5 """ Use the :ref:`UGRID <ugrid>` unstructured grid file format. """ GRIDSPEC = 6 """ Use the :ref:`UGRID single tile grid file format based on CF V1.6 conventions (a.k.a GRIDSPEC) <gridspec>`. """ # FileMode class FileMode(IntEnum): """ Specify which mode to use when writing a weight file. """ BASIC = 0 """ Indicates that only the factorList and factorIndexList should be written. """ WITHAUX = 1 """ Indicates that grid center coordinates and cell areas should also be written. """ # GridItem class GridItem(IntEnum): """ The :class:`~esmpy.api.grid.Grid` can contain other kinds of data besides coordinates. This data is referred to as :class:`~esmpy.api.grid.Grid` "items". Some items may be used for calculations involving the :class:`~esmpy.api.grid.Grid`. """ INVALID = -2 UNINIT = -1 MASK = 0 """ A grid item to represent a mask. """ AREA = 1 """ A grid item to represent an area field for conservative regridding. """ # LineType class LineType(IntEnum): """ This argument controls the path of the line which connects two points on the surface of the sphere. This in turn controls the path along which distances are calculated and the shape of the edges that make up a cell. Both of these quantities can influence how interpolation weights are calculated. As would be expected, this argument is only applicable with grids which lie on the surface of a sphere. """ CART = 0 """ Cartesian line. When this option is specified distances are calculated in a straight line through the 3D Cartesian space in which the sphere is embedded. Cells are approximated by 3D planes bounded by 3D Cartesian lines between their corner vertices. When calculating regrid weights, this line type is currently the default for the following all regrid methods except for conservative. """ GREAT_CIRCLE = 1 """ Great circle line. When this option is specified distances are calculated along a great circle path (the shortest distance between two points on a sphere surface). Cells are bounded by great circle paths between their corner vertices. When calculating regrid weights, this line type is currently the default for the conservative regrid method. """ # LogKind class LogKind(IntEnum): """ This flag is used to specify how much logging should be done. """ MULTI = 2 """ Use multiple log files -- one per PET. """ NONE = 3 """ Do not issue messages to a log file. """ # MeshElemType class MeshElemType(IntEnum): """ A :class:`~esmpy.api.mesh.Mesh` can be constructed from a combination of different elements. The type of elements that can be used in a :class:`~esmpy.api.mesh.Mesh` depends on the parametric dimension of the :class:`~esmpy.api.mesh.Mesh`, which is set during :class:`~esmpy.api.mesh.Mesh` creation. The following are the valid :class:`~esmpy.api.mesh.Mesh` element types for each valid :class:`~esmpy.api.mesh.Mesh` parametric dimension (2D or 3D). """ TRI = 3 """ 2D triangular elements with 3 sides. """ QUAD = 4 """ 2D quadrilateral elements with 4 sides. """ TETRA = 10 """ 3D tetrahedral elements with 4 faces. """ HEX = 12 """ 3D hexahedral elements with 6 faces. """ # MeshLoc class MeshLoc(IntEnum): """ The :class:`~esmpy.api.mesh.Mesh` location used to hold :class:`~esmpy.api.field.Field` data. """ NODE = 0 """ The nodes of the :class:`~esmpy.api.mesh.Mesh`. """ ELEMENT = 1 """ The elements of the :class:`~esmpy.api.mesh.Mesh`. """ # NormType class NormType(IntEnum): """ When doing conservative regridding, this option allows the user to select the type of normalization used when producing the weights. """ DSTAREA = 0 """ Destination area normalization. Here the weights are calculated by dividing the area of overlap of the source and destination cells by the area of the entire destination cell. In other words, the weight is the fraction of the entire destination cell which overlaps with the given source cell. """ FRACAREA = 1 """ Fraction area normalization. Here in addition to the weight calculation done for destination area normalization the weights are also divided by the fraction that the destination cell overlaps with the entire source grid. In other words, the weight is the fraction of just the part of the destination cell that overlaps with the entire source mesh. """ # PoleKind class PoleKind(IntEnum): """ This type describes the type of connection that occurs at the pole of a :class:`~esmpy.api.grid.Grid`. """ NONE = 0 """ No connection at pole. """ MONOPOLE = 1 """ This edge is connected to itself. Given that the edge is n elements long, then element i is connected to element i+n/2. """ BIPOLE = 2 """ This edge is connected to itself. Given that the edge is n elements long, element i is connected to element n-i-1. """ # PoleMethod class PoleMethod(IntEnum): """ Indicates which type of artificial pole to construct on the source :class:`~esmpy.api.grid.Grid` for regridding. """ NONE = 0 """ No pole. Destination points which lie above the top or below the bottom row of the source :class:`~esmpy.api.grid.Grid` won't be mapped. """ ALLAVG = 1 """ Construct an artificial pole placed in the center of the top (or bottom) row of nodes, but projected onto the sphere formed by the rest of the grid. The value at this pole is the average of all the source values surrounding the pole. """ NPNTAVG = 2 """ Construct an artificial pole placed in the center of the top (or bottom) row of nodes, but projected onto the sphere formed by the rest of the grid. The value at this pole is the average of the N source nodes next to the pole and surrounding the destination point (i.e. the value may differ for each destination point). Here N is set by using the regridPoleNPnts parameter and ranges from 1 to the number of nodes around the pole. This option is useful for interpolating values which may be zeroed out by averaging around the entire pole (e.g. vector components). """ TEETH = 3 """ No new pole point is constructed, instead the holes at the poles are filled by constructing triangles across the top and bottom row of the source :class:`~esmpy.api.grid.Grid`. This can be useful because no averaging occurs, however, because the top and bottom of the sphere are now flat, for a big enough mismatch between the size of the destination and source pole holes, some destination points may still not be able to be mapped to the source :class:`~esmpy.api.grid.Grid`. """ # Region class Reduce(IntEnum): """ Indicates reduce operation. """ SUM = 1 """ Use arithmetic sum to add all data elements. """ MIN = 2 """ Determine the minimum of all data elements. """ MAX = 3 """ Determine the maximum of all data elements. """ # Region class Region(IntEnum): """ Specify various regions in the data layout of a :class:`~esmpy.api.field.Field` object. """ TOTAL = 0 """ An operation applies to every element in the selected domain. """ SELECT = 1 """ An operation applies to a select portion of the domain. One use of this is to specify that the portions of a :class:`~esmpy.api.field.Field` that are not mapped in a regridding operation should retain their original value (as opposed to being initialized to 0). """ EMPTY = 2 """ An operation does not apply any element in the domain. """ # RegridMethod
[docs] class RegridMethod(IntEnum): """ Specify which interpolation method to use during regridding. """ BILINEAR = 0 """ Bilinear interpolation. Destination value is a linear combination of the source values in the cell which contains the destination point. The weights for the linear combination are based on the distance of destination point from each source value. """ PATCH = 1 """ Higher-order patch recovery interpolation. Destination value is a weighted average of 2D polynomial patches constructed from cells surrounding the source cell which contains the destination point. This method typically results in better approximations to values and derivatives than bilinear. However, because of its larger stencil, it also results in a much larger interpolation matrix (and thus routeHandle) than the bilinear. """ CONSERVE = 2 """ First-order conservative interpolation. The main purpose of this method is to preserve the integral of the field across the interpolation from source to destination. In this method the value across each source cell is treated as a constant, so it will typically have a larger interpolation error than the bilinear or patch methods. The value of a destination cell is calculated as the weighted sum of the values of the source cells that it overlaps. The weights are determined by the amount the source cell overlaps the destination cell. This method requires corner coordinate values to be provided in the :class:`~esmpy.api.grid.Grid`. It currently only works for :class:`Fields <esmpy.api.field.Field>`s created on the :class:`~esmpy.api.grid.Grid` center stagger or the :class:`~esmpy.api.mesh.Mesh` element location. """ NEAREST_STOD = 3 """ In this version of nearest neighbor interpolation each destination point is mapped to the closest source point. A given source point may go to multiple destination points, but no destination point will receive input from more than one source point. """ NEAREST_DTOS = 4 """ In this version of nearest neighbor interpolation each source point is mapped to the closest destination point. A given destination point may receive input from multiple source points, but no source point will go to more than one destination point. """ CONSERVE_2ND = 5 """ Second-order conservative interpolation. This method's main purpose is to preserve the integral of the field across the interpolation from source to destination. The difference between the first and second-order conservative methods is that the second-order takes the source gradient into account, so it yields a smoother destination field that typically better matches the source field. This difference between the first and second-order methods is particularly apparent when going from a coarse source grid to a finer destination grid. Another difference is that the second-order method does not guarantee that after regridding the range of values in the destination field is within the range of values in the source field. For example, if the mininum value in the source field is 0.0, then it's possible that after regridding with the second-order method, the destination field will contain values less than 0.0. This method requires corner coordinate values to be provided in the :class:`~esmpy.api.grid.Grid`. It currently only works for :class:`Fields <esmpy.api.field.Field>`s created on the :class:`~esmpy.api.grid.Grid` center stagger or the :class:`~esmpy.api.mesh.Mesh` element location. """
# StaggerLoc class StaggerLoc(IntEnum): """ In the :class:`~esmpy.api.grid.Grid` class, data can be located at different positions in a :class:`~esmpy.api.grid.Grid` cell. When setting or retrieving coordinate data the stagger location is specified to tell the :class:`~esmpy.api.grid.Grid` method from where in the cell to get the data. """ INVALID = -2 UNINIT = -1 CENTER = 0 """ 2D: Cell centered stagger location. """ EDGE1 = 1 """ 2D: First dimension edge stagger location. """ EDGE2 = 2 """ 2D: Second dimension edge stagger location. """ CORNER = 3, """ 2D: Cell corner stagger location. """ CENTER_VCENTER = 0 """ 3D: Vertically centered stagger location. """ EDGE1_VCENTER = 1 """ 3D: Vertically centered first dimension edge stagger location. """ EDGE2_VCENTER = 2 """ 3D: Vertically centered second dimension edge stagger location. """ CORNER_VCENTER = 3 """ 3D: Vertically centered corner stagger location. """ CENTER_VFACE = 4 """ 3D: Centered stagger location of the top and bottom cell faces. """ EDGE1_VFACE = 5 """ 3D: First dimension edge stagger location of the top and bottom cell faces. """ EDGE2_VFACE = 6 """ 3D: Second dimension edge stagger location of the top and bottom cell faces. """ CORNER_VFACE = 7 """ 3D: Corner stagger location of the top and bottom cell faces. """ # TypeKind class TypeKind(IntEnum): """ This is used to indicate the type and kind of ESMPy types to the underlying ESMF library routines. """ I4 = 3 """ A four byte integer, equivalent to numpy.int32. """ I8 = 4 """ An eight byte integer, equivalent to numpy.int64. """ R4 = 5 """ A four byte real, equivalent to numpy.float32. """ R8 = 6 """ An eight byte real, equivalent to numpy.float64. """ # UnmappedAction
[docs] class UnmappedAction(IntEnum): """ This is used to indicate what action to take with respect to unmapped destination points and the entries of the sparse matrix that correspond to these points. """ ERROR = 0 """ Unmapped points result in an error code return. """ IGNORE = 1 """ Unmapped points are ignored. """