Source code for

"""Grid abstract base classes for FINAM."""

import copy as cp
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
from pyevtk.hl import gridToVTK, unstructuredGridToVTK

from .grid_tools import (

[docs] class GridBase(ABC): """Abstract grid base.""" @property def name(self): """Grid name.""" return self.__class__.__name__ @property @abstractmethod def dim(self): """int: Dimension of the grid or data."""
[docs] def copy(self, deep=False): """ Copy of this grid. Parameters ---------- deep : bool, optional If false, only a shallow copy is returned to save memory, by default False Returns ------- Grid The grid copy. """ return cp.deepcopy(self) if deep else cp.copy(self)
[docs] def to_canonical(self, data): """Convert grid specific data to canonical form.""" return data
[docs] def from_canonical(self, data): """Convert canonical data to grid specific form.""" return data
# pylint: disable-next=unused-argument
[docs] def get_transform_to(self, other): """Transformation between compatible grids.""" return None
[docs] class Grid(GridBase): """Abstract grid specification.""" valid_locations = (Location.CELLS, Location.POINTS) """tuple: Valid locations for the grid.""" @property @abstractmethod def crs(self): """The coordinate reference system.""" @property @abstractmethod def point_count(self): """int: Number of grid points.""" @property @abstractmethod def cell_count(self): """int: Number of grid cells.""" @property @abstractmethod def points(self): """np.ndarray: Grid points.""" @property @abstractmethod def cells(self): """np.ndarray: Cell nodes as 2D array.""" @property @abstractmethod def cell_types(self): """np.ndarray: Cell types.""" @property def cells_connectivity(self): """np.ndarray: Cells connectivity in ESMF format (list of node IDs).""" return flatten_cells(self.cells) @property def cells_definition(self): """np.ndarray: Cell definition in VTK format (list of number of nodes with node IDs).""" return flatten_cells( np.squeeze( np.hstack( (np.atleast_2d(self.cell_node_counts).T, np.atleast_2d(self.cells)) ) ) ) @property def cells_offset(self): """np.ndarray: The location of the start of each cell in cells_connectivity.""" return np.concatenate( (np.array([0], dtype=int), np.cumsum(self.cell_node_counts)) ) @property def cell_centers(self): """np.ndarray: Grid cell centers.""" return gen_node_centers(self) @property def cell_node_counts(self): """np.ndarray: Node count for each cell.""" return NODE_COUNT[self.cell_types] @property def mesh_dim(self): """int: Maximal cell dimension.""" return np.max(CELL_DIM[self.cell_types]) @property @abstractmethod def data_location(self): """Location of the associated data (either CELLS or POINTS).""" @data_location.setter @abstractmethod def data_location(self, data_location): """Set location of the associated data (either CELLS or POINTS).""" @property def data_points(self): """Points of the associated data (either cell_centers or points).""" if self.data_location == Location.POINTS: return self.points return self.cell_centers @property @abstractmethod def data_shape(self): """tuple: Shape of the associated data.""" @property def data_size(self): """int: Size of the associated data.""" return @property @abstractmethod def order(self): """str: Data order (C-like or F-like to flatten data).""" @property @abstractmethod def axes_names(self): """list of str: Axes names (xyz order).""" @property @abstractmethod def axes_attributes(self): """list of dict: Axes attributes following the CF convention (xyz order).""" @property def data_axes_names(self): """list of str: Axes names of the data.""" return ["id"] def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__} ({self.dim}D) {self.data_shape}"
[docs] def compatible_with(self, other, check_location=True): """ Check for compatibility with other Grid. Parameters ---------- other : instance of Grid Other grid to compatibility with. check_location : bool, optional Whether to check location for equality, by default True Returns ------- bool compatibility """ if not isinstance(other, Grid): return False if isinstance(self, StructuredGrid) != isinstance(other, StructuredGrid): return False if not ( self.dim == other.dim and == and self.order == other.order and (not check_location or self.data_location == other.data_location) ): return False if check_location and self.data_shape != other.data_shape: return False return ( np.allclose(self.points, other.points) and np.all(self.cells == other.cells) and np.all(self.cell_types == other.cell_types) )
def __eq__(self, other): return self.compatible_with(other)
[docs] def export_vtk( self, path, data=None, cell_data=None, point_data=None, field_data=None, mesh_type="unstructured", ): """ Export grid and data to a VTK file. Parameters ---------- path : pathlike File path. Suffix will be replaced according to mesh type (.vtu) data : dict or None, optional Data in the corresponding shape given by name, by default None cell_data : dict or None, optional Additional cell data, by default None point_data : dict or None, optional Additional point data, by default None field_data : dict or None, optional Additional field data, by default None mesh_type : str, optional Mesh type, by default "unstructured" Raises ------ ValueError If mesh type is not supported. """ data = prepare_vtk_data(data, flat=True) kw = prepare_vtk_kwargs( self.data_location, data, cell_data, point_data, field_data ) if mesh_type == "unstructured": path = str(Path(path).with_suffix("")) # don't create increasing axes points = self.points x = np.ascontiguousarray(points[:, 0]) y = np.ascontiguousarray(points[:, 1] if self.dim > 1 else np.zeros_like(x)) z = np.ascontiguousarray(points[:, 2] if self.dim > 2 else np.zeros_like(x)) con = self.cells_connectivity # pyevtk only needs the ends of the cell definition off = self.cells_offset[1:] typ = VTK_TYPE_MAP[self.cell_types] unstructuredGridToVTK(path, x, y, z, con, off, typ, **kw) else: raise ValueError(f"export_vtk: unsupported mesh type '{mesh_type}'")
[docs] class StructuredGrid(Grid): """Abstract structured grid specification.""" @property @abstractmethod def dims(self): """tuple: Axes lengths (xyz order).""" @property @abstractmethod def axes(self): """list of np.ndarray: Axes of the structured grid (xyz order, all increase).""" @property @abstractmethod def axes_reversed(self): """bool: Indicate reversed axes order for the associated data (zyx order).""" # esri grids and most netcdf files are given in inverse axes order (lat, lon) @property @abstractmethod def axes_increase(self): """list of bool: False to indicate a bottom up axis (xyz order).""" # esri grids and some netcdf are given bottom up (northing/lat inverted) @property @abstractmethod def order(self): """str: Point, cell and data order (C- or Fortran-like).""" # vtk files use Fortran-like data ordering for structured grids @property def point_count(self): """int: Number of grid points.""" # allow dims entries to be 1 (flat mesh in space) return @property def cell_count(self): """int: Number of grid cells.""" return - 1, 1)) @property def cell_axes(self): """list of np.ndarray: Axes of the cell centers (xyz order, all increase).""" # use cell centers as stagger locations return [((ax[:-1] + ax[1:]) / 2) if len(ax) > 1 else ax for ax in self.axes] @property def points(self): """np.ndarray: Grid points in given order starting top left corner.""" return gen_points( axes=self.axes, order=point_order(self.order, self.axes_reversed), axes_increase=self.axes_increase, ) @property def cells(self): """np.ndarray: Cell nodes in ESMF format.""" return gen_cells( dims=self.dims, order=point_order(self.order, self.axes_reversed), ) @property def cell_centers(self): """np.ndarray: Grid cell centers in given order starting top left corner.""" return gen_points( axes=self.cell_axes, order=point_order(self.order, self.axes_reversed), axes_increase=self.axes_increase, ) @property def mesh_dim(self): """int: Maximal cell dimension.""" return np.sum(np.array(self.dims) > 1) @property def cell_types(self): """np.ndarray: Cell types.""" if self.mesh_dim == 0: return np.full(self.cell_count, CellType.VERTEX, dtype=int) if self.mesh_dim == 1: return np.full(self.cell_count, CellType.LINE, dtype=int) if self.mesh_dim == 2: return np.full(self.cell_count, CellType.QUAD, dtype=int) return np.full(self.cell_count, CellType.HEX, dtype=int) @property def data_axes(self): """list of np.ndarray: Axes as used for the data matrix.""" axes = self.cell_axes if self.data_location == Location.CELLS else self.axes # reverse axes if needed return [ (axes[i] if self.axes_increase[i] else axes[i][::-1]) for i in (range(self.dim)[::-1] if self.axes_reversed else range(self.dim)) ] @property def data_axes_names(self): """list of str: Axes names of the data matrix.""" return list( reversed(self.axes_names) if self.axes_reversed else self.axes_names ) @property def data_shape(self): """tuple: Shape of the associated data matrix.""" dims = np.asarray(self.dims[::-1] if self.axes_reversed else self.dims) return tuple( np.maximum(dims - 1, 1) if self.data_location == Location.CELLS else dims )
[docs] def compatible_with(self, other, check_location=True): """ Check for compatibility with other Grid. Parameters ---------- other : instance of Grid Other grid to compatibility with. check_location : bool, optional Whether to check location for equality, by default True Returns ------- bool compatibility """ if not isinstance(other, Grid): return False if not isinstance(other, StructuredGrid): return False if not ( self.dim == other.dim and == and (not check_location or self.data_location == other.data_location) ): return False if check_location and self.data_shape != ( other.data_shape[::-1] if self.axes_reversed != other.axes_reversed else other.data_shape ): return False return all(np.allclose(a, b) for a, b in zip(self.axes, other.axes))
def __eq__(self, other): if not self.compatible_with(other): return False return ( all(a == b for a, b in zip(self.axes_increase, other.axes_increase)) and self.axes_reversed == other.axes_reversed )
[docs] def export_vtk( self, path, data=None, cell_data=None, point_data=None, field_data=None, mesh_type="structured", ): """ Export grid and data to a VTK file. Parameters ---------- path : pathlike File path. Suffix will be replaced according to mesh type (.vtr, .vtu) data : dict or None, optional Data in the corresponding shape given by name, by default None cell_data : dict or None, optional Additional cell data, by default None point_data : dict or None, optional Additional point data, by default None field_data : dict or None, optional Additional field data, by default None mesh_type : str, optional Mesh type ("structured"/"unstructured"), by default "structured" Raises ------ ValueError If mesh type is not supported. """ data = prepare_vtk_data( data=data, axes_reversed=self.axes_reversed, axes_increase=self.axes_increase, flat=mesh_type == "unstructured", order=point_order(self.order, self.axes_reversed), ) if mesh_type not in ["structured", "rectilinear"]: super().export_vtk(path, data, cell_data, point_data, field_data, mesh_type) else: kw = prepare_vtk_kwargs( self.data_location, data, cell_data, point_data, field_data ) path = str(Path(path).with_suffix("")) x = np.ascontiguousarray(self.axes[0]) y = np.ascontiguousarray(self.axes[1] if self.dim > 1 else np.array([0.0])) z = np.ascontiguousarray(self.axes[2] if self.dim > 2 else np.array([0.0])) gridToVTK(path, x, y, z, **kw)
[docs] def to_canonical(self, data): """ Convert grid specific data to canonical form. Canonical means, that data axis are in xyz order and following increasing axis values. Parameters ---------- data : arraylike Data to convert. Returns ------- arraylike Canonical Data. Raises ------ ValueError When data has wrong shape. """ if not np.array_equal(np.shape(data), self.data_shape): msg = "to_canonical: data has wrong shape." raise ValueError(msg) if self.axes_reversed and np.ndim(data) > 1: data = np.transpose(data) for i, inc in enumerate(self.axes_increase): if not inc: data = np.flip(data, axis=i) return data
[docs] def from_canonical(self, data): """ Convert canonical data to grid specific form. Canonical means, that data axis are in xyz order and following increasing axis values. Parameters ---------- data : arraylike Data to convert. Returns ------- arraylike Grid specific Data. Raises ------ ValueError When data has wrong shape. """ rev = -1 if self.axes_reversed else 1 if not np.array_equal(np.shape(data)[::rev], self.data_shape): msg = "from_canonical: data has wrong shape." raise ValueError(msg) for i, inc in enumerate(self.axes_increase): if not inc: data = np.flip(data, axis=i) if self.axes_reversed and np.ndim(data) > 1: data = np.transpose(data) return data
[docs] def get_transform_to(self, other): """ Get transformation for compatible grids. Parameters ---------- other : instance of Grid Other grid to compatibility with. Returns ------- callable data transformation """ if not self.compatible_with(other): raise ValueError("get_transform_to: grids are not compatible.") def trans(data): """Transformation.""" # could be optimized return other.from_canonical(self.to_canonical(data)) # only use trans if grids are compatible but NOT equal return None if self == other else trans