Source code for

"""Grid specifications to handle spatial data with FINAM."""

from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
from pyevtk.hl import imageToVTK

from import get_enum_value
from .esri_tools import read_header
from .grid_base import Grid, GridBase, StructuredGrid
from .grid_tools import (

def _check_location(grid, data_location):
    # need to define this here to prevent circular imports
    location = get_enum_value(data_location, Location)
    if location not in grid.valid_locations:
        msg = f"{}: data location {location} not valid."
        raise ValueError(msg)
    return location

[docs] class NoGrid(GridBase): """Indicator for data without a spatial grid.""" def __init__(self, dim=0): self._dim = dim @property def dim(self): """int: Dimension of the grid or data.""" return self._dim def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__} ({self.dim}D)" # pylint: disable-next=unused-argument
[docs] def compatible_with(self, other, check_location=True): """ Check for compatibility with other Grid. Parameters ---------- other : instance of Grid Other grid to compatibility with. check_location : bool, optional Whether to check location for equality, by default True Returns ------- bool compatibility """ return isinstance(other, NoGrid) and self.dim == other.dim
def __eq__(self, other): return self.compatible_with(other)
[docs] class RectilinearGrid(StructuredGrid): """Regular grid with variable spacing in up to three coordinate directions. Parameters ---------- axes : list of np.ndarray Axes defining the point coordinates in each direction (xyz order). data_location : Location, str, int, optional Data location in the grid, by default Location.CELLS order : str, optional Point and cell ordering. Either Fortran-like ("F") or C-like ("C"), by default "F" axes_reversed : bool, optional Indicate reversed axes order for the associated data, by default False axes_attributes : list of dict or None, optional Axes attributes following the CF convention (in xyz order), by default None axes_names : list of str or None, optional Axes names (in xyz order), by default ["x", "y", "z"] crs : str or None, optional The coordinate reference system, by default None """ def __init__( self, axes, data_location=Location.CELLS, order="F", axes_reversed=False, axes_attributes=None, axes_names=None, crs=None, ): # at most 3 axes self._axes = [np.asarray(np.atleast_1d(ax), dtype=float) for ax in axes[:3]] # all axes made increasing self._axes_increase = check_axes_monotonicity(self.axes) self._dim = len(self.dims) self._data_location = None self.data_location = data_location self._order = order self._axes_reversed = bool(axes_reversed) self._axes_attributes = axes_attributes or (self.dim * [{}]) if len(self.axes_attributes) != self.dim: raise ValueError("RectilinearGrid: wrong length of 'axes_attributes'") self._axes_names = axes_names or ["x", "y", "z"][: self.dim] if len(self.axes_names) != self.dim: raise ValueError("RectilinearGrid: wrong length of 'axes_names'") self._crs = crs self._data_shape = None self._data_size = None
[docs] def to_unstructured(self): """ Cast grid to an unstructured grid. Returns ------- UnstructuredGrid Grid as unstructured grid. """ return UnstructuredGrid( points=self.points, cells=self.cells, cell_types=self.cell_types, data_location=self.data_location, order=self.order, axes_attributes=self.axes_attributes, axes_names=self.axes_names,, )
@property def dims(self): """tuple: Axes lengths (xyz order).""" return tuple(map(len, self.axes)) @property def data_shape(self): """tuple: Shape of the associated data.""" if self._data_shape is None: self._data_shape = super().data_shape return self._data_shape @property def data_size(self): """int: Size of the associated data.""" if self._data_size is None: self._data_size = super().data_size return self._data_size @property def axes(self): """list of np.ndarray: Grid points.""" return self._axes @property def axes_reversed(self): """bool: Indicate reversed axes order for the associated data.""" return self._axes_reversed @property def axes_increase(self): """list of bool: False to indicate a bottom up axis (xyz order).""" return self._axes_increase @property def axes_attributes(self): """list of dict: Axes attributes following the CF convention (xyz order).""" return self._axes_attributes @property def axes_names(self): """list of str: Axes names (xyz order).""" return self._axes_names @property def order(self): """str: Point, cell and data order (C- or Fortran-like).""" # vtk files use Fortran-like data ordering for structured grids return self._order @property def dim(self): """int: Dimension of the grid.""" return self._dim @property def crs(self): """The coordinate reference system.""" return self._crs @property def data_location(self): """Location of the associated data (either CELLS or POINTS).""" return self._data_location @data_location.setter def data_location(self, data_location): """Set location of the associated data (either CELLS or POINTS).""" self._data_location = _check_location(self, data_location)
[docs] class UniformGrid(RectilinearGrid): """Regular grid with uniform spacing in up to three coordinate directions. Parameters ---------- dims : iterable Dimensions of the uniform grid for each direction. Spatial dimension will be determined by ``len(dims)``. Dimensions refer to the number of points, independent of ``data_location``. spacing : iterable, optional Spacing of the uniform in each dimension. Defaults to ``(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)``. Must be positive. origin : iterable, optional Origin of the uniform grid. Defaults to ``(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)``. data_location : Location, str, int, optional Data location in the grid, by default Location.CELLS order : str, optional Point and cell ordering. Either Fortran-like ("F") or C-like ("C"), by default "F" axes_reversed : bool, optional Indicate reversed axes order for the associated data, by default False axes_increase : arraylike or None, optional False to indicate a bottom up axis (xyz order), by default None axes_attributes : list of dict or None, optional Axes attributes following the CF convention (xyz order), by default None axes_names : list of str or None, optional Axes names (in xyz order), by default ["x", "y", "z"] crs : str or None, optional The coordinate reference system, by default None """ def __init__( self, dims, spacing=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), origin=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), data_location=Location.CELLS, order="F", axes_reversed=False, axes_increase=None, axes_attributes=None, axes_names=None, crs=None, ): # at most 3 axes dims = tuple(dims)[:3] self.spacing = tuple(spacing)[: len(dims)] if len(self.spacing) < len(dims): raise ValueError("UniformGrid: wrong length of 'spacing'") self.origin = tuple(origin)[: len(dims)] if len(self.origin) < len(dims): raise ValueError("UniformGrid: wrong length of 'origin'") super().__init__( axes=gen_axes(dims, self.spacing, self.origin, axes_increase), data_location=data_location, order=order, axes_reversed=axes_reversed, axes_attributes=axes_attributes, axes_names=axes_names, crs=crs, )
[docs] def export_vtk( self, path, data=None, cell_data=None, point_data=None, field_data=None, mesh_type="uniform", ): """ Export grid and data to a VTK file. Parameters ---------- path : pathlike File path. Suffix will be replaced according to mesh type (.vti, .vtr, .vtu) data : dict or None, optional Data in the corresponding shape given by name, by default None cell_data : dict or None, optional Additional cell data, by default None point_data : dict or None, optional Additional point data, by default None field_data : dict or None, optional Additional field data, by default None mesh_type : str, optional Mesh type ("uniform"/"structured"/"unstructured"), by default "structured" Raises ------ ValueError If mesh type is not supported. """ if mesh_type != "uniform": super().export_vtk(path, data, cell_data, point_data, field_data, mesh_type) else: data = prepare_vtk_data(data, self.axes_reversed, self.axes_increase) kw = prepare_vtk_kwargs( self.data_location, data, cell_data, point_data, field_data ) path = str(Path(path).with_suffix("")) origin = self.origin + (0.0,) * (3 - self.dim) spacing = self.spacing + (0.0,) * (3 - self.dim) imageToVTK(path, origin, spacing, **kw)
[docs] def to_rectilinear(self): """ Cast grid to a rectilinear grid. Returns ------- UniformGrid Grid as rectilinear grid. """ grid = RectilinearGrid( axes=self.axes, data_location=self.data_location, order=self.order, axes_reversed=self.axes_reversed, axes_attributes=self.axes_attributes, axes_names=self.axes_names,, ) # pylint: disable-next=protected-access grid._axes_increase = self.axes_increase return grid
[docs] class EsriGrid(UniformGrid): """ Esri grid raster specification. Parameters ---------- ncols : int Number of grid columns, in cells. nrows : int Number of grid rows, in cells. cellsize : float, optional Cell size, by default 1.0 xllcorner : float, optional x value of lower left corner, by default 0.0 yllcorner : float, optional y value of lower left corner, by default 0.0 order : str, optional Point and cell ordering. Either Fortran-like ("F") or C-like ("C"), by default "C" axes_attributes : list of dict or None, optional Axes attributes following the CF convention (xyz order), by default None axes_names : list of str or None, optional Axes names (in xyz order), by default ["x", "y", "z"] crs : str or None, optional The coordinate reference system, by default None """ valid_locations = (Location.CELLS,) """tuple: Valid locations for the grid.""" def __init__( self, ncols, nrows, cellsize=1.0, xllcorner=0.0, yllcorner=0.0, order="C", axes_attributes=None, axes_names=None, crs=None, ): self.ncols = int(ncols) self.nrows = int(nrows) self.cellsize = float(cellsize) self.xllcorner = float(xllcorner) self.yllcorner = float(yllcorner) super().__init__( dims=(self.ncols + 1, self.nrows + 1), spacing=(self.cellsize, self.cellsize), origin=(self.xllcorner, self.yllcorner), order=order, axes_reversed=True, axes_increase=(True, False), axes_attributes=axes_attributes, axes_names=axes_names, crs=crs, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, file, axes_attributes=None, crs=None): """ Generate EsriGrid from given file. Parameters ---------- file : pathlike Path to the esri grid file axes_attributes : list of dict or None, optional Axes attributes following the CF convention (xyz order), by default None crs : str or None, optional The coordinate reference system, by default None Returns ------- EsriGrid The grid specified in the file. """ header = read_header(file) header.pop("nodata_value", None) header["crs"] = crs header["axes_attributes"] = axes_attributes return cls(**header)
[docs] def to_uniform(self): """ Cast grid to an uniform grid. Returns ------- UniformGrid Grid as uniform grid. """ return UniformGrid( dims=self.dims, spacing=self.spacing, origin=self.origin, data_location=self.data_location, order=self.order, axes_reversed=self.axes_reversed, axes_increase=self.axes_increase, axes_attributes=self.axes_attributes, axes_names=self.axes_names,, )
[docs] class UnstructuredGrid(Grid): """ Unstructured grid specification. Parameters ---------- points : arraylike Points (n, dim) defining the grid. cells : arraylike Cells given by set list of point IDs defining the grid. cell_types : arraylike Cell types given as integer, e.g. CellType.TRI. data_location : Location, str, int, optional Data location in the grid, by default Location.CELLS order : str, optional Data ordering. Either Fortran-like ("F") or C-like ("C"), by default "C" axes_attributes : list of dict or None, optional Axes attributes following the CF convention (in xyz order), by default None axes_names : list of str or None, optional Axes names (in xyz order), by default ["x", "y", "z"] crs : str or None, optional The coordinate reference system, by default None """ def __init__( self, points, cells, cell_types, data_location=Location.CELLS, order="C", axes_attributes=None, axes_names=None, crs=None, ): # at most 3 axes self._points = np.asarray(np.atleast_2d(points), dtype=float)[:, :3] self._cells = np.asarray(np.atleast_2d(cells), dtype=int) self._cell_types = np.asarray(np.atleast_1d(cell_types), dtype=int) self._data_location = None self.data_location = data_location self._order = order self._axes_attributes = axes_attributes or (self.dim * [{}]) if len(self.axes_attributes) != self.dim: raise ValueError("UnstructuredGrid: wrong length of 'axes_attributes'") self._axes_names = axes_names or ["x", "y", "z"][: self.dim] if len(self.axes_names) != self.dim: raise ValueError("UnstructuredGrid: wrong length of 'axes_names'") self._crs = crs @property def dim(self): """int: Dimension of the grid.""" return self.points.shape[1] @property def crs(self): """The coordinate reference system.""" return self._crs @property def point_count(self): """int: Number of grid points.""" return len(self.points) @property def cell_count(self): """int: Number of grid cells.""" return len(self.cells) @property def points(self): """np.ndarray: Grid points.""" return self._points @property def data_shape(self): """np.ndarray: Grid points.""" return ( (len(self.points),) if self.data_location == Location.POINTS else (len(self.cells),) ) @property def data_size(self): """int: Size of the associated data.""" return ( len(self.points) if self.data_location == Location.POINTS else len(self.cells) ) @property def cells(self): """np.ndarray: Cell nodes in ESMF format.""" return self._cells @property def cell_types(self): """np.ndarray: Cell types.""" return self._cell_types @property def data_location(self): """Location of the associated data (either CELLS or POINTS).""" return self._data_location @data_location.setter def data_location(self, data_location): """Set location of the associated data (either CELLS or POINTS).""" self._data_location = _check_location(self, data_location) @property def order(self): """str: Point, cell and data order (C-like or F-like for flatten).""" return self._order @property def axes_attributes(self): """list of dict: Axes attributes following the CF convention (xyz order).""" return self._axes_attributes @property def axes_names(self): """list of str: Axes names (xyz order).""" return self._axes_names
[docs] class UnstructuredPoints(UnstructuredGrid): """ Unstructured points without cells. Parameters ---------- points : arraylike Points (n, dim) defining the grid. order : str, optional Data ordering. Either Fortran-like ("F") or C-like ("C"), by default "C" axes_attributes : list of dict or None, optional Axes attributes following the CF convention (in xyz order), by default None axes_names : list of str or None, optional Axes names (in xyz order), by default ["x", "y", "z"] crs : str or None, optional The coordinate reference system, by default None """ valid_locations = (Location.POINTS,) """tuple: Valid locations for the grid.""" def __init__( self, points, order="C", axes_attributes=None, axes_names=None, crs=None, ): # at most 3 axes pnt_cnt = len(points) super().__init__( points=points, cells=np.asarray([range(pnt_cnt)], dtype=int).T, cell_types=np.full(pnt_cnt, CellType.VERTEX, dtype=int), data_location=Location.POINTS, order=order, axes_attributes=axes_attributes, axes_names=axes_names, crs=crs, ) @property def cell_centers(self): """np.ndarray: Grid cell centers.""" return self.points @property def cell_node_counts(self): """np.ndarray: Node count for each cell.""" return np.full(self.point_count, 1, dtype=int) @property def mesh_dim(self): """int: Maximal cell dimension.""" return 0