Source code for

"""Data tools for FINAM."""
import copy
import datetime

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pint

from ..errors import FinamDataError, FinamMetaDataError

# pylint: disable-next=unused-import
from . import cf_units, grid_spec
from .grid_base import Grid, GridBase

# set default format to cf-convention for pint.dequantify
# some problems with degree_Celsius and similar here
pint.application_registry.default_format = "cf"
UNITS = pint.application_registry


_MASK_INDICATORS = ["_FillValue", "missing_value"]

[docs] def prepare(data, info, time_entries=1, force_copy=False, report_conversion=False): """ Prepares data in FINAM's internal transmission format. Checks tha shape of the data. Checks or adds units and time dimension. Parameters ---------- data : arraylike The input data. info : Info Info associated with the data. time_entries : int, optional Number of time slices in the data. Default 1. force_copy : bool, optional Forces the result to be a copy of the passed data. Default ``False``. If not used, the result is a view of the data if no units conversion needs to be done. report_conversion : bool, optional If true, returns a tuple with the second element indicating the unit conversion if it was required. Returns ------- pint.Quantity or tuple(pint.Quantity, tuple(pint.Unit, pint.Unit) or None) The prepared data as a numpy array, wrapped into a :class:`pint.Quantity`. If ``report_conversion`` is ``True``, a tuple is returned with the second element indicating the unit conversion if it was required. The second element is ``None`` if no conversion was required, and a tuple of two :class:`pint.Unit` objects otherwise. Raises ------ FinamDataError If the data doesn't match its info. """ units_converted = None units = info.units if is_quantified(data): if not compatible_units(data.units, units): raise FinamDataError( f"Given data has incompatible units. " f"Got {data.units}, expected {units}." ) if not equivalent_units(data.units, units): units_converted = data.units, units data = elif force_copy: data = data.copy() else: # this covers masked arrays as well if isinstance(data, np.ndarray): if force_copy: data = data.copy() data = UNITS.Quantity(data, units) else: if force_copy: data = copy.copy(data) data = UNITS.Quantity(np.asarray(data), units) data = _check_input_shape(data, info, time_entries) if report_conversion: return data, units_converted return data
def _check_input_shape(data, info, time_entries): # check correct data size if isinstance(info.grid, Grid): time_entries = ( data.shape[0] if len(data.shape) == len(info.grid.data_shape) + 1 else time_entries ) data_size = data.size / time_entries if data_size != info.grid.data_size: raise FinamDataError( f"quantify: data size doesn't match grid size. " f"Got {data_size}, expected {info.grid.data_size}" ) # check shape of non-flat arrays if len(data.shape) != 1: if data.shape[1:] != info.grid.data_shape: if data.shape == info.grid.data_shape: data = np.expand_dims(data, 0) else: raise FinamDataError( f"quantify: data shape doesn't match grid shape. " f"Got {data.shape}, expected {info.grid.data_shape}" ) else: # reshape arrays if time_entries <= 1: data = data.reshape( [1] + list(info.grid.data_shape), order=info.grid.order ) else: data = data.reshape( [time_entries] + list(info.grid.data_shape), order=info.grid.order ) elif isinstance(info.grid, grid_spec.NoGrid): data = _check_input_shape_no_grid(data, info, time_entries) return data def _check_input_shape_no_grid(data, info, time_entries): if len(data.shape) != info.grid.dim + 1: if len(data.shape) == info.grid.dim: data = np.expand_dims(data, 0) else: raise FinamDataError( f"quantify: number of dimensions in data doesn't match expected number. " f"Got {len(data.shape)}, expected {info.grid.dim}" ) else: if data.shape[0] != time_entries: raise FinamDataError( f"quantify: number of time entries in data doesn't match expected number. " f"Got {data.shape[0]}, expected {time_entries}" ) return data
[docs] def has_time_axis(xdata, grid): """ Check if the data array has a time axis. Parameters ---------- xdata : numpy.ndarray The given data array. grid : GridBase The associated grid specification Returns ------- bool Whether the data has a time axis. """ grid_dim = None if isinstance(grid, Grid): grid_dim = len(grid.data_shape) elif isinstance(grid, grid_spec.NoGrid): grid_dim = grid.dim else: raise ValueError( f"Expected type Grid or NoGrid, got {grid.__class__.__name__}." ) if xdata.ndim == grid_dim: return False if xdata.ndim == grid_dim + 1: return True raise FinamDataError("Data dimension must be grid dimension or grid dimension + 1.")
_BASE_DATETIME = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1) _BASE_TIME = np.datetime64("1970-01-01T00:00:00") _BASE_DELTA = np.timedelta64(1, "s")
[docs] def to_datetime(date): """Converts a numpy datetime64 object to a python datetime object""" if np.isnan(date): return pd.NaT timestamp = (date - _BASE_TIME) / _BASE_DELTA if timestamp < 0: return _BASE_DATETIME + datetime.timedelta(seconds=timestamp) return datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp)
[docs] def strip_time(xdata, grid): """Returns a view of the data with the time dimension squeezed if there is only a single entry Parameters ---------- xdata : arraylike Data to strip time dimension from grid : GridBase The associated grid specification Returns ------- arraylike Stripped data Raises ------ FinamDataError If the data has multiple time entries. """ if has_time_axis(xdata, grid): if xdata.shape[0] > 1: raise FinamDataError( "Can't strip time of a data array with multiple time entries" ) return xdata[0, ...] return xdata
[docs] def get_magnitude(xdata): """ Get magnitude of given data. Parameters ---------- xdata : pint.Quantity The given data array. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Magnitude of given data. """ check_quantified(xdata, "get_magnitude") return xdata.magnitude
[docs] def get_units(xdata): """ Get units of the data. Parameters ---------- xdata : DataArray The given data array. Returns ------- pint.Unit Units of the data. """ check_quantified(xdata, "get_units") return xdata.units
[docs] def get_dimensionality(xdata): """ Get dimensionality of the data. Parameters ---------- xdata : pint.Quantity The given data array. Returns ------- pint.UnitsContainer Dimensionality of the data. """ check_quantified(xdata, "get_dimensionality") return xdata.dimensionality
[docs] def to_units(xdata, units, check_equivalent=False, report_conversion=False): """ Convert data to given units. Parameters ---------- xdata : pint.Quantity The given data array. units : str or pint.Unit Desired units. check_equivalent : bool, optional Checks for equivalent units and simply re-assigns if possible. report_conversion : bool, optional If true, returns a tuple with the second element indicating the unit conversion if it was required. Returns ------- pint.Quantity or tuple(pint.Quantity, tuple(pint.Unit, pint.Unit) or None) The converted data. If ``report_conversion`` is ``True``, a tuple is returned with the second element indicating the unit conversion if it was required. The second element is ``None`` if no conversion was required, and a tuple of two :class:`pint.Unit` objects otherwise. """ check_quantified(xdata, "to_units") units = _get_pint_units(units) units2 = xdata.units conversion = None if units != units2: if check_equivalent and equivalent_units(units, units2): xdata = UNITS.Quantity(xdata.magnitude, units) else: xdata = conversion = units2, units if report_conversion: return xdata, conversion return xdata
[docs] def full_like(xdata, value): """ Return a new data array with the same shape, type and units as a given object. Parameters ---------- xdata : :class:`pint.Quantity` or :class:`numpy.ndarray` The reference object input. value : scalar Value to fill the new object with before returning it. Returns ------- pint.Quantity or numpy.ndarray New object with the same shape and type as other, with the data filled with fill_value. Units will be taken from the input if present. """ data = np.full_like(xdata, value) if is_quantified(xdata): return UNITS.Quantity(data, xdata.units) return data
[docs] def full(value, info): """ Return a new data array with units according to the given info, filled with given value. Parameters ---------- value : scalar Value to fill the new object with before returning it. info : Info Info associated with the data. Returns ------- pint.Quantity The converted data. """ shape = info.grid.data_shape if isinstance(info.grid, Grid) else tuple() return prepare(np.full([1] + list(shape), value), info)
[docs] def check(xdata, info): """ Check if data matches given info. Parameters ---------- xdata : numpy.ndarray The given data array. info : Info Info associated with the data. Raises ------ FinamDataError If data doesn't match given info. """ check_quantified(xdata, "check") if not has_time_axis(xdata, info.grid): raise FinamDataError("check: given data should have a time dimension.") _check_shape(xdata.shape[1:], info.grid) # check units if not compatible_units(info.units, xdata): raise FinamDataError( f"check: given data has incompatible units. " f"Got {get_units(xdata)}, expected {info.units}." )
def _check_shape(shape, grid): if isinstance(grid, Grid) and shape != grid.data_shape: raise FinamDataError( f"check: given data has wrong shape. " f"Got {shape}, expected {grid.data_shape}" ) if isinstance(grid, grid_spec.NoGrid) and len(shape) != grid.dim: raise FinamDataError( f"check: given data has wrong number of dimensions. " f"Got {len(shape)}, expected {grid.dim}" )
[docs] def is_quantified(xdata): """ Check if data is a quantified DataArray. Parameters ---------- xdata : Any The given data array. Returns ------- bool Whether the data is a quantified DataArray. """ return isinstance(xdata, pint.Quantity)
[docs] def is_masked_array(data): """ Check if data is a masked array. Parameters ---------- data : Any The given data array. Returns ------- bool Whether the data is a MaskedArray. """ if is_quantified(data): return return
[docs] def has_masked_values(data): """ Determine whether the data has masked values. Parameters ---------- data : Any The given data array. Returns ------- bool Whether the data is a MaskedArray and has any masked values. """ return
[docs] def filled(data, fill_value=None): """ Return input as an array with masked data replaced by a fill value. This routine respects quantified and un-quantified data. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`pint.Quantity` or :class:`numpy.ndarray` or :class:`` The reference object input. fill_value : array_like, optional The value to use for invalid entries. Can be scalar or non-scalar. If non-scalar, the resulting ndarray must be broadcastable over input array. Default is None, in which case, the `fill_value` attribute of the array is used instead. Returns ------- pint.Quantity or numpy.ndarray New object with the same shape and type as other, with the data filled with fill_value. Units will be taken from the input if present. See also -------- :func:``: Numpy routine doing the same. """ if not is_masked_array(data): return data if is_quantified(data): return UNITS.Quantity(data.magnitude.filled(fill_value), data.units) return data.filled(fill_value)
[docs] def to_masked(data, **kwargs): """ Return a masked version of the data. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`pint.Quantity` or :class:`numpy.ndarray` or :class:`` The reference object input. **kwargs keyword arguments forwarded to :any:`` Returns ------- pint.Quantity or New object with the same shape and type but as a masked array. Units will be taken from the input if present. """ if is_masked_array(data) and not kwargs: return data if is_quantified(data): return UNITS.Quantity(, **kwargs), data.units) return, **kwargs)
[docs] def to_compressed(xdata, order="C"): """ Return all the non-masked data as a 1-D array respecting the given array order. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`pint.Quantity` or :class:`numpy.ndarray` or :class:`` The reference object input. order : str order argument for :any:`numpy.ravel` **kwargs keyword arguments forwarded to :any:`` Returns ------- :class:`pint.Quantity` or :class:`numpy.ndarray` or :class:`` New object with the flat shape and only unmasked data but and same type as input. Units will be taken from the input if present. See also -------- :func:``: Numpy routine doing the same but only for C-order. """ if is_masked_array(xdata): data = np.ravel(, order) if xdata.mask is not data = data.compress(np.logical_not(np.ravel(xdata.mask, order))) return quantify(data, xdata.units) if is_quantified(xdata) else data return np.reshape(xdata, -1, order=order)
[docs] def from_compressed(xdata, shape, order="C", **kwargs): """ Fill a (masked) array following a given mask or shape with the provided data. This will only create a masked array if kwargs are given (especially a mask). Otherwise this is simply reshaping the given data. Filling is performed in the given array order. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`pint.Quantity` or :class:`numpy.ndarray` or :class:`` The reference object input. shape : str shape argument for :any:`numpy.reshape` order : str order argument for :any:`numpy.reshape` **kwargs keyword arguments forwarded to :any:`` Returns ------- :class:`pint.Quantity` or :class:`numpy.ndarray` or :class:`` New object with the desired shape and same type as input. Units will be taken from the input if present. Will only be a masked array if kwargs are given. See also -------- to_compressed: Inverse operation. :any:``: Routine consuming kwargs to create a masked array. :any:`numpy.reshape`: Equivalent routine if no mask is provided. Notes ----- If both `mask` and `shape` are given, they need to match in size. """ if kwargs: if "mask" in kwargs: mask = np.reshape(kwargs["mask"], -1, order=order) if is_quantified(xdata): # pylint: disable-next=unexpected-keyword-arg data = quantify(np.empty_like(xdata, shape=np.size(mask)), xdata.units) else: # pylint: disable-next=unexpected-keyword-arg data = np.empty_like(xdata, shape=np.size(mask)) data[~mask] = xdata data = np.reshape(data, shape, order=order) else: data = np.reshape(xdata, shape, order=order) return to_masked(data, **kwargs) return np.reshape(xdata, shape, order=order)
[docs] def check_data_covers_domain(data, mask=None): """ Check if the given data covers a domain defined by a mask on the same grid. Parameters ---------- data : Any The given data array for a single time-step. mask : None or bool or array of bool, optional Mask defining the target domain on the same grid as the data, by default None Returns ------- bool Whether the data covers the desired domain. Raises ------ ValueError When mask is given and mask and data don't share the same shape. """ if not _is_single_mask_value(mask) and np.shape(mask) != np.shape(data): raise ValueError("check_data_covers_domain: mask and data shape differ.") if not has_masked_values(data): return True if _is_single_mask_value(mask): return bool(mask) return np.all(mask[data.mask])
def _is_single_mask_value(mask): return mask is None or mask is or mask is False or mask is True
[docs] def quantify(xdata, units=None): """ Quantifies data. Parameters ---------- xdata : Any The given data array. units : Returns ------- pint.Quantity The quantified array. """ if is_quantified(xdata): raise FinamDataError(f"Data is already quantified with units '{xdata.units}'") return UNITS.Quantity(xdata, _get_pint_units(units or UNITS.dimensionless))
[docs] def check_quantified(xdata, routine="check_quantified"): """ Check if data is a quantified DataArray. Parameters ---------- xdata : numpy.ndarray The given data array. routine : str, optional Name of the routine to show in the Error, by default "check_quantified" Raises ------ FinamDataError If the array is not a quantified DataArray. """ if not is_quantified(xdata): raise FinamDataError(f"{routine}: given data is not quantified.")
def _get_pint_units(var): if var is None: raise FinamDataError("Can't extract units from 'None'.") if isinstance(var, pint.Unit): return var if isinstance(var, pint.Quantity): return var.units or UNITS.dimensionless return UNITS.Unit(var) def compatible_units(unit1, unit2): """ Checks if two units are compatible/convertible. Parameters ---------- unit1 : UnitLike or Quantified First unit to compare. unit2 : UnitLike or Quantified Second unit to compare. Returns ------- bool Unit compatibility. """ unit1, unit2 = _get_pint_units(unit1), _get_pint_units(unit2) comp_equiv = _UNIT_PAIRS_CACHE.get((unit1, unit2)) if comp_equiv is None: comp_equiv = _cache_units(unit1, unit2) return comp_equiv[0] def equivalent_units(unit1, unit2): """ Check if two given units are equivalent. Parameters ---------- unit1 : UnitLike or Quantified First unit to compare. unit2 : UnitLike or Quantified Second unit to compare. Returns ------- bool Unit equivalence. """ unit1, unit2 = _get_pint_units(unit1), _get_pint_units(unit2) comp_equiv = _UNIT_PAIRS_CACHE.get((unit1, unit2)) if comp_equiv is None: comp_equiv = _cache_units(unit1, unit2) return comp_equiv[1] def _cache_units(unit1, unit2): equiv = False compat = False try: equiv = np.isclose((1.0 * unit1).to(unit2).magnitude, 1.0) compat = True except pint.errors.DimensionalityError: pass _UNIT_PAIRS_CACHE[(unit1, unit2)] = compat, equiv return compat, equiv def clear_units_cache(): """Clears the units cache""" _UNIT_PAIRS_CACHE.clear()
[docs] def assert_type(cls, slot, obj, types): """Type assertion.""" for t in types: if isinstance(obj, t): return raise TypeError( f"Unsupported data type for {slot} in " f"{cls.__class__.__name__}: {obj.__class__.__name__}. " f"Expected one of [{', '.join([tp.__name__ for tp in types])}]" )
[docs] class Info: """Data info containing grid specification and metadata Parameters ---------- grid : Grid or NoGrid or None grid specification meta : dict dictionary of metadata **meta_kwargs additional metadata by name, will overwrite entries in ``meta`` Attributes ---------- grid : Grid or NoGrid or None grid specification meta : dict dictionary of metadata """ def __init__(self, time, grid, meta=None, **meta_kwargs): if time is not None and not isinstance(time, datetime.datetime): raise FinamMetaDataError("Time in Info must be either None or a datetime") if grid is not None and not isinstance(grid, GridBase): raise FinamMetaDataError( "Grid in Info must be either None or of a sub-class of GridBase" ) self.time = time self.grid = grid self.meta = meta or {} self.meta.update(meta_kwargs) units = self.meta.get("units", "") units = None if units is None else UNITS.Unit(units) self.meta["units"] = units @property def is_masked(self): """bool: whether info indicates masked data ("_FillValue" or "missing_value" in meta).""" return any(v in self.meta for v in _MASK_INDICATORS)
[docs] def copy(self): """Copies the info object""" return copy.copy(self)
[docs] def copy_with(self, use_none=True, **kwargs): """Copies the info object and sets variables and meta values according to the kwargs Parameters ---------- use_none : bool whether properties with None value should also be transferred **kwargs key values pairs for properties to change """ other = Info(time=self.time, grid=self.grid, meta=copy.copy(self.meta)) for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k == "time": if v is not None or use_none: other.time = v elif k == "grid": if v is not None or use_none: other.grid = v elif k == "units": if v is not None or use_none: other.meta[k] = v if v is None else UNITS.Unit(v) else: if v is not None or use_none: other.meta[k] = v return other
[docs] def accepts(self, incoming, fail_info, ignore_none=False): """Tests whether this info can accept/is compatible with an incoming info Parameters ---------- incoming : Info Incoming/source info to check. This is the info from upstream. fail_info : dict Dictionary that will be filled with failed properties; name: (source, target). ignore_none : bool Ignores ``None`` values in the incoming info. Returns ------- bool Whether the incoming info is accepted """ if not isinstance(incoming, Info): fail_info["type"] = (incoming.__class__, self.__class__) return False success = True if self.grid is not None and not self.grid.compatible_with(incoming.grid): if not (ignore_none and incoming.grid is None): fail_info["grid"] = (incoming.grid, self.grid) success = False for k, v in self.meta.items(): if v is not None and k in incoming.meta: in_value = incoming.meta[k] if k == "units": if not (ignore_none and in_value is None) and not compatible_units( v, in_value ): fail_info["meta." + k] = (in_value, v) success = False else: if not (ignore_none and in_value is None) and in_value != v: fail_info["meta." + k] = (in_value, v) success = False return success
def __copy__(self): """Shallow copy of the info""" return Info(time=self.time, grid=self.grid, meta=self.meta) def __eq__(self, other): """Equality check for two infos Ignores time. """ if not isinstance(other, Info): return False return self.grid == other.grid and self.meta == other.meta def __getattr__(self, name): # only called if attribute is not present in class if "meta" in self.__dict__ and name in self.meta: return self.meta[name] raise AttributeError(f"'Info' object has no attribute '{name}'") def __setattr__(self, name, value): # first check if attribute present or meta not yet present (e.g. grid) if name in self.__dir__() or "meta" not in self.__dict__: super().__setattr__(name, value) else: self.__dict__["meta"][name] = value def __repr__(self): grid = if self.grid is not None else "None" meta = ", " * bool(self.meta) meta += ", ".join( f"{k}=" + ("None" if v is None else f"'{v}'") for k, v in self.meta.items() ) return f"Info(grid={grid}{meta})"
[docs] def as_dict(self): """Returns a ``dict`` containing all metadata in this Info.""" return { **self.meta, "grid": f"{self.grid}", "units": f"{self.units:~}", }