Source code for finam.schedule

Driver/scheduler for executing a coupled model composition.


.. autosummary::
   :toctree: generated

    :noindex: Composition
import logging
import os
import sys
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from time import strftime

from ._version import __version__
from .errors import (
from .interfaces import (
from .tools.log_helper import ErrorLogger, is_loggable

[docs] class Composition(Loggable): """A composition of linked components. Manages initialization, initial connection and update schedule of components. See :doc:`/finam-book/usage/coupling_scripts` for usage details. Examples -------- .. code-block:: Python comp_a = SomeComponent(...) comp_b = AnotherComponent(...) composition = Composition([comp_a, comp_b]) composition.initialize() comp_b.outputs["Out"] >> SomeAdapter() >> comp_b.inputs["In"] Parameters ---------- modules : list of IComponent Components in the composition. logger_name : str, optional Name for the base logger, by default "FINAM" print_log : bool, optional Whether to print log to stdout, by default True log_file : str, None or bool, optional Whether to write a log file, by default None log_level : int or str, optional Logging level, by default logging.INFO slot_memory_limit : int, optional Memory limit per output and adapter data, in bytes. When the limit is exceeded, data is stored to disk under the path of ``slot_memory_location``. Default: no limit (``None``). slot_memory_location : str, optional Location for storing data when exceeding ``slot_memory_limit``. Default: "temp". """ def __init__( self, modules, logger_name="FINAM", print_log=True, log_file=None, log_level=logging.INFO, slot_memory_limit=None, slot_memory_location="temp", ): super().__init__() # setup logger self._logger_name = logger_name self.logger.setLevel(log_level) # set log format formatter = logging.Formatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)-36s - %(name)s" ) # setup log output if print_log: sh = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) sh.setFormatter(formatter) self.logger.addHandler(sh) if log_file: # for log_file=True use a default name if isinstance(log_file, bool): log_file = f"./{logger_name}_{strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S')}.log" fh = logging.FileHandler(Path(log_file), mode="w") fh.setFormatter(formatter) self.logger.addHandler(fh) for module in modules: if not isinstance(module, IComponent): with ErrorLogger(self.logger): raise ValueError( "Composition: modules need to be instances of 'IComponent'." ) self._modules = modules self._adapters = set() self._dependencies = None self._input_owners = None self._output_owners = None self._is_initialized = False self._is_connected = False self._time_frame = (None, None) self._slot_memory_limit = slot_memory_limit self._slot_memory_location = slot_memory_location
[docs] def initialize(self): """Initialize all modules. After the call, module inputs and outputs are available for linking. """"init composition") if self._is_initialized: raise FinamStatusError("Composition was already initialized.") for mod in self._modules: self._check_status(mod, [ComponentStatus.CREATED]) if self._slot_memory_location is not None: os.makedirs(self._slot_memory_location, exist_ok=True) for mod in self._modules: if is_loggable(mod) and mod.uses_base_logger_name: mod.base_logger_name = self.logger_name mod.initialize() # set logger with ErrorLogger(self.logger): mod.inputs.set_logger(mod) mod.outputs.set_logger(mod) for _, out in mod.outputs.items(): if out.memory_limit is None: out.memory_limit = self._slot_memory_limit if out.memory_location is None: out.memory_location = self._slot_memory_location self._check_status(mod, [ComponentStatus.INITIALIZED]) self._is_initialized = True
[docs] def connect(self, start_time=None): """Performs the connect and validate phases of the composition If this was not called by the user, it is called at the start of :meth:`.run`. Parameters ---------- start_time : :class:`datetime <datetime.datetime>`, optional Starting time of the composition. If provided, it should be the starting time of the earliest component. If not provided, the composition tries to determine the starting time automatically. """ if self._is_connected: raise FinamStatusError("Composition was already connected.") time_modules = [m for m in self._modules if isinstance(m, ITimeComponent)] with ErrorLogger(self.logger): if len(time_modules) == 0: if start_time is not None: raise ValueError( "start must be None for a composition without time components" ) else: if start_time is None: start_time = _get_start_time(time_modules) if not isinstance(start_time, datetime): raise ValueError( "start must be of type datetime for a composition with time components" ) self._collect_adapters() self._validate_composition() for ada in self._adapters: if ada.memory_limit is None: ada.memory_limit = self._slot_memory_limit if ada.memory_location is None: ada.memory_location = self._slot_memory_location self._connect_components(start_time)"validate components") for mod in self._modules: mod.validate() self._check_status(mod, [ComponentStatus.VALIDATED]) self._output_owners = _map_outputs(self._modules) self._input_owners = _map_inputs(self._modules) self._is_connected = True self._time_frame = (start_time, None)
[docs] def run(self, start_time=None, end_time=None): """Run this composition using the loop-based update strategy. Performs the connect phase if it ``connect()`` was not already called. Parameters ---------- start_time : :class:`datetime <datetime.datetime>`, optional Starting time of the composition. If provided, it should be the starting time of the earliest component. If not provided, the composition tries to determine the starting time automatically. Ignored if :meth:`.connect` was already called. end_time : :class:`datetime <datetime.datetime>`, optional Simulation time up to which to simulate. Should be ``None`` if no components with time are present. """ time_modules = [m for m in self._modules if isinstance(m, ITimeComponent)] with ErrorLogger(self.logger): if len(time_modules) == 0: if end_time is not None: raise ValueError( "end must be None for a composition without time components" ) else: if not isinstance(end_time, datetime): raise ValueError( "end must be of type datetime for a composition with time components" ) if not self._is_connected: self.connect(start_time) self._time_frame = (self._time_frame[0], end_time)"run composition") while len(time_modules) > 0: sort_modules = list(time_modules) sort_modules.sort(key=lambda m: m.time) to_update = sort_modules[0] updated = self._update_recursive(to_update) self._check_status( updated, [ComponentStatus.VALIDATED, ComponentStatus.UPDATED] ) any_running = False for mod in time_modules: if mod.status != ComponentStatus.FINISHED and mod.time < end_time: any_running = True break if not any_running: break self._finalize_components() self._finalize_composition()
def _update_recursive(self, module, chain=None, target_time=None): chain = chain or {} if module in chain: with ErrorLogger(self.logger): joined = " >> ".join( [ f"({'*' if delayed else ''}{t or '-'}) {}" for c, (t, delayed) in reversed(chain.items()) ] ) raise FinamCircularCouplingError( f"Unresolved circular coupling:\n" f"{} >> " f"{joined}\n" f"(Deltas are time lags of upstream components, * denotes delayed links)\n" f"You may need to insert a NoDependencyAdapter or ITimeDelayAdapter subclass somewhere, " f"or increase the adapter's delay." ) chain[module] = None if isinstance(module, ITimeComponent): target_time = module.next_time deps = _find_dependencies(module, self._output_owners, target_time) for dep, (local_time, delayed) in deps.items(): comp = self._output_owners[dep] if isinstance(comp, ITimeComponent): if dep.time < local_time: chain[module] = (local_time - dep.time, delayed) return self._update_recursive(comp, chain) else: updated = self._update_recursive(comp, chain, local_time) if updated is not None: return updated if isinstance(module, ITimeComponent): if module.status != ComponentStatus.FINISHED: module.update() else: raise FinamTimeError( f"Can't update dependency component {}, as it is already finished." ) return module return None def _collect_adapters(self): for mod in self._modules: for _, inp in mod.inputs.items(): _collect_adapters_input(inp, self._adapters) for _, out in mod.outputs.items(): _collect_adapters_output(out, self._adapters) def _validate_composition(self): """Validates the coupling setup by checking for dangling inputs and disallowed branching connections.""""validate composition") for mod in self._modules: with ErrorLogger(mod.logger if is_loggable(mod) else self.logger): for inp in mod.inputs.values(): _check_input_connected(mod, inp) _check_dead_links(mod, inp) for out in mod.outputs.values(): _check_branching(mod, out) with ErrorLogger(self.logger): _check_missing_modules(self._modules) def _connect_components(self, time):"connect components") counter = 0 while True: self.logger.debug("connect iteration %d", counter) any_unconnected = False any_new_connection = False for mod in self._modules: if mod.status != ComponentStatus.CONNECTED: mod.connect(time) self._check_status( mod, [ ComponentStatus.CONNECTING, ComponentStatus.CONNECTING_IDLE, ComponentStatus.CONNECTED, ], ) if mod.status == ComponentStatus.CONNECTED: any_new_connection = True else: if mod.status == ComponentStatus.CONNECTING: any_new_connection = True any_unconnected = True if not any_unconnected: break if not any_new_connection: unconn = [ for m in self._modules if m.status != ComponentStatus.CONNECTED ] with ErrorLogger(self.logger): raise FinamCircularCouplingError( f"Unresolved circular coupling during initial connect. " f"Unconnected components: [{', '.join(unconn)}]" ) counter += 1 def _finalize_components(self):"finalize components") for mod in self._modules: self._check_status( mod, [ ComponentStatus.VALIDATED, ComponentStatus.UPDATED, ComponentStatus.FINISHED, ], ) if ( isinstance(mod, ITimeComponent) and mod.status == ComponentStatus.VALIDATED ): self.logger.warning( "Time component %s was not updated during this run", ) mod.finalize() self._check_status(mod, [ComponentStatus.FINALIZED]) for ada in self._adapters: ada.finalize() def _finalize_composition(self):"finalize composition") handlers = self.logger.handlers[:] for handler in handlers: self.logger.removeHandler(handler) handler.close() @property def logger_name(self): """Logger name for the composition.""" return self._logger_name @property def uses_base_logger_name(self): """Whether this class has a ``base_logger_name`` attribute. False.""" return False def _check_status(self, module, desired_list): if module.status not in desired_list: with ErrorLogger(module.logger if is_loggable(module) else self.logger): raise FinamStatusError( f"Unexpected model state {module.status} in {}. " f"Expecting one of [{', '.join(map(str, desired_list))}]" ) @property def metadata(self): """ Meta data for all components and adapters. Can only be used after ``connect``. Returns ------- dict A ``dict`` with the following metadata keys: - ``components`` - A `dict` containing metadata for all components. Individual entries are generated by :attr:`Component.metadata` - ``adapters`` - A `dict` containing metadata for all adapters. Individual entries are generated by :attr:`Adapter.metadata` - ``links`` - A list of all coupling connections - ``time_frame`` - A list of two items: simulation start and end time Component and adapter sub-dictionaries use keys like ``name@id``. Raises ------ FinamStatusError Raises the error if ``connect`` was not called. """ if not self._is_connected: with ErrorLogger(self.logger): raise FinamStatusError( "can't get meta data for a composition before connect was called" ) comps = {} for mod in self._modules: key = f"{}@{id(mod)}" comps[key] = mod.metadata adas = {} for ada in self._adapters: key = f"{}@{id(ada)}" adas[key] = ada.metadata links = [] for mod in self._modules: for out_name, out in mod.outputs.items(): for target in out.targets: if isinstance(target, IAdapter): to = { "adapter": f"{}@{id(target)}", } else: owner = self._input_owners[target] to = { "component": f"{}@{id(owner)}", "input":, } links.append( { "from": { "component": f"{}@{id(mod)}", "output": out_name, }, "to": to, } ) for ada in self._adapters: for target in ada.targets: if isinstance(target, IAdapter): to = { "adapter": f"{}@{id(target)}", } else: owner = self._input_owners[target] to = { "component": f"{}@{id(owner)}", "input":, } links.append( { "from": { "adapter": f"{}@{id(ada)}", }, "to": to, } ) return { "version": __version__, "components": comps, "adapters": adas, "links": links, "time_frame": list(self._time_frame), }
def _collect_adapters_input(inp: IInput, out_adapters: set): src = inp.source if src is None: return if isinstance(src, IAdapter): out_adapters.add(src) _collect_adapters_input(src, out_adapters) def _collect_adapters_output(out: IOutput, out_adapters: set): for trg in out.targets: if isinstance(trg, IAdapter): out_adapters.add(trg) _collect_adapters_output(trg, out_adapters) def _get_start_time(time_modules): t_min = None for mod in time_modules: if mod.time is not None: if t_min is None or mod.time < t_min: t_min = mod.time if t_min is None: raise ValueError( "Unable to determine starting time of the composition." "Please provide a starting time in ``run()`` or ``connect()``" ) return t_min def _check_missing_modules(modules): inputs, outputs = _collect_inputs_outputs(modules) mod_inputs = {inp for mod in modules for inp in mod.inputs.values()} mod_outputs = {out for mod in modules for out in mod.outputs.values()} unlinked_inputs = inputs - mod_inputs mod_outputs = outputs - mod_outputs if len(unlinked_inputs) > 0: raise FinamConnectError( f"A component was coupled, but not added to this Composition. " f"Affected inputs: {[ for inp in unlinked_inputs]}" ) if len(mod_outputs) > 0: raise FinamConnectError( f"A component was coupled, but not added to this Composition. " f"Affected outputs: {[ for out in mod_outputs]}" ) def _collect_inputs_outputs(modules): all_inputs = set() all_outputs = set() for mod in modules: for _, inp in mod.inputs.items(): while isinstance(inp, IInput): inp = inp.source all_outputs.add(inp) for _, out in mod.outputs.items(): targets = {out} while len(targets) > 0: target = targets.pop() curr_targets = target.targets for target in curr_targets: if isinstance(target, IOutput): targets.add(target) else: all_inputs.add(target) return all_inputs, all_outputs def _check_branching(module, out): targets = [(out, False)] while len(targets) > 0: target, no_branch = targets.pop() no_branch = no_branch or isinstance(target, NoBranchAdapter) curr_targets = target.targets if no_branch and len(curr_targets) > 1: raise FinamConnectError( f"Disallowed branching of output '{}' for " f"module {} ({target.__class__.__name__})" ) for target in curr_targets: if isinstance(target, IOutput): targets.append((target, no_branch)) def _check_input_connected(module, inp): static = inp.is_static while isinstance(inp, IInput): if inp.source is None: raise FinamConnectError( f"Unconnected input '{}' for target module {}" ) inp = inp.source if static and not inp.is_static: raise FinamConnectError("Can't connect a static input to a non-static output.") def _check_dead_links(module, inp): chain = [inp] while isinstance(inp, IInput): inp = inp.source chain.append(inp) first_index = -1 for i, item in enumerate(reversed(chain)): if first_index >= 0 and item.needs_push: raise _dead_link_error(module, chain, first_index, i) if item.needs_pull: first_index = i def _map_outputs(modules): out_map = {} for mod in modules: for _, out in mod.outputs.items(): out_map[out] = mod return out_map def _map_inputs(modules): in_map = {} for mod in modules: for _, inp in mod.inputs.items(): in_map[inp] = mod return in_map def _find_dependencies(module, output_owners, target_time): deps = {} for _, inp in module.inputs.items(): local_time = target_time delayed = False while isinstance(inp, IInput): inp = inp.source if isinstance(inp, NoDependencyAdapter): break if isinstance(inp, ITimeDelayAdapter): local_time = inp.with_delay(target_time) delayed = True if not isinstance(inp, NoDependencyAdapter) and not inp.is_static: comp = output_owners[inp] if not isinstance(comp, ITimeComponent) or ( isinstance(comp, ITimeComponent) and inp.time < local_time ): if inp not in deps or local_time > deps[inp][0]: deps[inp] = (local_time, delayed) return deps def _dead_link_error(module, chain, first_index, last_index): link_message = "" for i, item in enumerate(reversed(chain)): link_message += if i < len(chain) - 1: link_message += ( " >/> " if i == first_index or i + 1 == last_index else " >> " ) return FinamConnectError( f"Dead link detected between " f"{chain[0].name} and {str(module)}->{chain[-1].name}:\n" f"{link_message}" )