Source code for finam.sdk.input

Implementations of IInput
import logging
from datetime import datetime

from import tools
from import Info
from ..errors import FinamMetaDataError
from ..interfaces import IInput, IOutput, Loggable
from import ErrorLogger

[docs] class Input(IInput, Loggable): """Default input implementation.""" def __init__(self, name, info=None, static=False, **info_kwargs): Loggable.__init__(self) self._source = None self.base_logger_name = None if name is None: raise ValueError("Input: needs a name.") self._name = name self._static = static if info_kwargs: if info is not None: raise ValueError("Input: can't use **kwargs in combination with info") info = Info(**info_kwargs) self._input_info = info self._in_info_exchanged = False self._cached_data = None self._transform = None @property def name(self): """Input name.""" return self._name @property def is_static(self): return self._static @property def info(self): """Info: The input's data info.""" return self._input_info @property def needs_pull(self): """bool: if the input needs pull.""" return True @property def needs_push(self): """bool: if the input needs push.""" return False @property def source(self): """Get the input's source output or adapter Returns ------- :class:`.IOutput` The input's source. """ return self._source @source.setter def source(self, source): """Set the input's source output or adapter Parameters ---------- source : :class:`.IOutput` source output or adapter """ self.logger.trace("set source") with ErrorLogger(self.logger): if self._source is not None: raise ValueError( "Source of input is already set! " "(You probably tried to connect multiple outputs to a single input)" ) if not isinstance(source, IOutput): raise ValueError("Only IOutput can be set as source for Input") self._source = source
[docs] def source_updated(self, time): """Informs the input that a new output is available. Parameters ---------- time : :class:`datetime <datetime.datetime>` Simulation time of the notification. """ self.logger.trace("source changed")
[docs] def pull_data(self, time, target=None): """Retrieve the data from the input's source. Parameters ---------- time : :class:`datetime <datetime.datetime>` Simulation time to get the data for. target : :class:`.IInput` or None Requesting end point of this pull. Should be ``None`` for normal input pulls in components. Simple adapters should forward the source in :meth:`.Adapter._get_data`. Push-based adapters should use ``self`` in :meth:`.Adapter._source_updated`. Returns ------- :class:`pint.Quantity` Data set for the given simulation time. """ self.logger.trace("pull data") if time is not None and not isinstance(time, datetime): with ErrorLogger(self.logger): raise ValueError("Time must be of type datetime") if self.is_static: if self._cached_data is None: data = self._source.get_data(time, target or self) with ErrorLogger(self.logger): self._cached_data = self._convert_and_check(data) data = self._cached_data else: data = self._source.get_data(time, target or self) with ErrorLogger(self.logger): data = self._convert_and_check(data) return data
def _convert_and_check(self, data): # transform compatible data between grids if self._transform is not None: with ErrorLogger(self.logger): data = self._transform(data) self.logger.profile( "converted data between compatible grids (%d entries)", data.size ) # convert units data, conv = tools.to_units( data, self._input_info.units, check_equivalent=True, report_conversion=True ) if conv is not None: self.logger.profile( "converted units from %s to %s (%d entries)", *conv, data.size ) tools.check(data, self._input_info) return data
[docs] def ping(self): """Pings upstream to inform outputs about the number of connected inputs. Must be called after linking and before the connect phase. """ self._source.pinged(self)
[docs] def exchange_info(self, info=None): """Exchange the data info with the input's source. Parameters ---------- info : :class:`.Info` request parameters Returns ------- dict delivered parameters """ self.logger.trace("exchanging info") with ErrorLogger(self.logger): if self._in_info_exchanged: raise FinamMetaDataError("Input info was already exchanged.") if self._input_info is not None and info is not None: raise FinamMetaDataError("An internal info was already provided") if self._input_info is None and info is None: raise FinamMetaDataError("No metadata provided") if info is None: info = self._input_info if not isinstance(info, Info): raise FinamMetaDataError("Metadata must be of type Info") src_info = self._source.get_info(info) with ErrorLogger(self.logger): fail_info = {} if not info.accepts(src_info, fail_info): fail_info = "\n".join( [ f"{name} - got {got}, expected {exp}" for name, (got, exp) in fail_info.items() ] ) raise FinamMetaDataError( f"Can't accept incoming data info. Failed entries:\n{fail_info}" ) self._input_info = src_info.copy_with( use_none=False, time=info.time, grid=info.grid, **info.meta ) self._in_info_exchanged = True with ErrorLogger(self.logger): self._transform = src_info.grid.get_transform_to(self._input_info.grid) # pylint: disable-next=fixme # TODO: check if this is correct (was src_info before) return self._input_info
@property def has_source(self): """Flag if this input instance has a source.""" return self._source is not None @property def logger_name(self): """Logger name derived from base logger name and class name.""" base_logger = logging.getLogger(self.base_logger_name) # logger hierarchy indicated by "." in name return ".".join(([, "<-",])) @property def uses_base_logger_name(self): """Whether this class has a ``base_logger_name`` attribute. True.""" return True
[docs] class CallbackInput(Input): """Input implementation calling a callback when notified. Use for components without time step. Parameters ---------- callback : callable A callback ``callback(caller, time)``, returning the transformed data. """ def __init__(self, callback, name, info=None, static=False, **info_kwargs): super().__init__(name=name, info=info, static=static, **info_kwargs) self.callback = callback @property def needs_pull(self): """bool: if the input needs pull.""" return False @property def needs_push(self): """bool: if the input needs push.""" return True
[docs] def source_updated(self, time): """Informs the input that a new output is available. Parameters ---------- time : :class:`datetime <datetime.datetime>` Simulation time of the notification. """ self.logger.trace("source changed") if time is not None and not isinstance(time, datetime): with ErrorLogger(self.logger): raise ValueError("Time must be of type datetime") self.callback(self, time)