"""Iterative connection helpers."""
import copy
import logging
from abc import ABC
from finam.interfaces import ComponentStatus, Loggable
from ..data.tools import Info
from ..errors import FinamNoDataError, FinamTimeError
from ..tools.log_helper import ErrorLogger
class MissingInfoError(Exception):
"""Internal error type for handling missing infos for transfer rules"""
class InfoSource(ABC):
"""Base class for info transfer rules from inputs or outputs"""
def __init__(self, name, fields):
self.name = name
if fields is not None and not isinstance(fields, list):
raise TypeError(
"Fields must be a list of metadata attributes as strings, or None."
self.fields = fields or []
class FromOutput(InfoSource):
"""Info transfer rule from an output.
See :meth:`.Component.create_connector` for usage details.
name : str
Name of the output to take info from
fields : list of str, optional
Info fields to take from the output.
Takes all fields if this is empty.
def __init__(self, name, fields=None):
super().__init__(name, fields)
class FromValue:
Info transfer rule from a given value
field : str
Field to set.
value : any
Value to set.
def __init__(self, field, value):
self.field = field
self.value = value
class ConnectHelper(Loggable):
"""Helper for iterative connect.
This class is not intended for direct use!
Use :meth:`.Component.create_connector` and :meth:`.Component.try_connect` instead.
logger : Logger
Logger to use
inputs : dict
All inputs of the component.
outputs : dict
All outputs of the component.
in_info_rules : dict
Info transfer rules for inputs.
out_info_rules : dict
Info transfer rules for outputs.
pull_data : arraylike
Names of the inputs that are to be pulled.
cache : bool
Whether data and :class:`.Info` objects passed via :meth:`connect() <.ConnectHelper.connect>`
are cached for later calls. Default ``True``.
def __init__(
self.base_logger_name = logger_name
self._inputs = inputs
self._outputs = outputs
self._cache = cache
with ErrorLogger(self.logger):
for name in pull_data or []:
if name not in self._inputs:
raise KeyError(
f"No input named '{name}' available to get info for."
self._exchanged_in_infos = {name: None for name in self.inputs.keys()}
self._exchanged_out_infos = {name: None for name in self.outputs.keys()}
self._pulled_data = {name: None for name in pull_data or []}
self._pushed_infos = {
name: out.has_info() for name, out in self.outputs.items()
self._pushed_data = {
name: False for name, out in self.outputs.items() if out.needs_push
self._in_info_rules = in_info_rules or {}
self._out_info_rules = out_info_rules or {}
with ErrorLogger(self.logger):
self._in_info_cache = {}
self._out_info_cache = {}
self._out_data_cache = {}
def add_in_info_rule(self, in_name, rule):
Add an input info rule.
in_name : str
Name of the input to add an info rule to.
rule : FromOutput or FromInput or FromValue
Rule to add.
if in_name in self._in_info_rules:
self._in_info_rules[in_name] = [rule]
with ErrorLogger(self.logger):
def add_out_info_rule(self, out_name, rule):
Add an output info rule.
out_name : str
Name of the output to add an info rule to.
rule : FromInput or FromOutput or FromValue
Rule to add.
if out_name in self._out_info_rules:
self._out_info_rules[out_name] = [rule]
with ErrorLogger(self.logger):
def _apply_rules(self, rules):
info = Info(time=None, grid=None)
for rule in rules:
if isinstance(rule, FromInput):
in_info = self.in_infos[rule.name]
if in_info is None:
raise MissingInfoError()
_transfer_fields(in_info, info, rule.fields)
elif isinstance(rule, FromOutput):
out_info = self.out_infos[rule.name]
if out_info is None:
raise MissingInfoError()
_transfer_fields(out_info, info, rule.fields)
elif isinstance(rule, FromValue):
if rule.field == "time":
info.time = rule.value
elif rule.field == "grid":
info.grid = rule.value
info.meta[rule.field] = rule.value
return info
def _check_info_rules(self):
for name, rules in self._in_info_rules.items():
if name not in self._inputs:
raise KeyError(f"No input named '{name}' to apply info transfer rule.")
for rule in rules:
for name, rules in self._out_info_rules.items():
if name not in self._outputs:
raise KeyError(f"No output named '{name}' to apply info transfer rule.")
for rule in rules:
def _check_rule(self, rule):
if isinstance(rule, FromInput):
if rule.name not in self._inputs:
raise KeyError(
f"No input named '{rule.name}' to use in info transfer rule."
elif isinstance(rule, FromOutput):
if rule.name not in self._outputs:
raise KeyError(
f"No output named '{rule.name}' to use in info transfer rule."
elif not isinstance(rule, FromValue):
raise TypeError(
f"Rules must be one of the types FromInput, FromOutput or FromValue. "
f"Got '{rule.__class__.__name__}'."
def logger(self):
"""Logger for this component."""
return logging.getLogger(self.logger_name)
def logger_name(self):
"""Logger name derived from base logger name and class name."""
base_logger = logging.getLogger(self.base_logger_name)
# logger hierarchy indicated by "." in name
return ".".join(([base_logger.name, self.__class__.__name__]))
def uses_base_logger_name(self):
"""Whether this class has a ``base_logger_name`` attribute. True."""
return True
def inputs(self):
"""dict: The component's inputs."""
return self._inputs
def outputs(self):
"""dict: The component's outputs."""
return self._outputs
def in_infos(self):
"""dict: The exchanged input infos so far. May contain None values."""
return self._exchanged_in_infos
def out_infos(self):
"""dict: The exchanged output infos so far. May contain None values."""
return self._exchanged_out_infos
def in_data(self):
"""dict: The pulled input data so far. May contain None values."""
return self._pulled_data
def all_data_pulled(self):
"""bool: True if all expected data is pulled."""
return all(data is not None for data in self.in_data.values())
def infos_pushed(self):
"""dict: If an info was pushed for outputs so far."""
return self._pushed_infos
def data_pushed(self):
"""dict: If data was pushed for outputs so far."""
return self._pushed_data
def data_required(self):
"""dict: If data to push is still required."""
return {
name: not pushed and name not in self._out_data_cache
for name, pushed in self.data_pushed.items()
def in_infos_required(self):
"""dict: If input infos to exchange are still required."""
return {
name: inf is None
and self.inputs[name].info is None
and name not in self._in_info_cache
and name not in self._in_info_rules
for name, inf in self.in_infos.items()
def out_infos_required(self):
"""dict: If output infos to push are still required."""
return {
name: not pushed
and name not in self._out_info_cache
and name not in self._out_info_rules
for name, pushed in self.infos_pushed.items()
def connect(self, start_time, exchange_infos=None, push_infos=None, push_data=None):
"""Exchange the info and data with linked components.
Values passed by the arguments are cached internally for later calls to the method
if constructed with ``cache=True`` (the default).
Thus, it is sufficient to provide only data and infos that became newly available.
Giving the same data or infos repeatedly overwrites the cache.
start_time : :class:`datetime <datetime.datetime>`
the composition's starting time as passed to :meth:`.Component.try_connect`
exchange_infos : dict
currently or newly available input data infos by input name
push_infos : dict
currently or newly available output data infos by output name
push_data : dict
currently or newly available output data by output name
the new component status
exchange_infos = exchange_infos or {}
push_infos = push_infos or {}
push_data = push_data or {}
with ErrorLogger(self.logger):
self._check_names(exchange_infos, push_infos, push_data)
self._check_in_rules(exchange_infos, push_infos)
exchange_infos = {
k: v for k, v in exchange_infos.items() if self.in_infos[k] is None
push_infos = {k: v for k, v in push_infos.items() if self.out_infos[k] is None}
push_data = {k: v for k, v in push_data.items() if not self.data_pushed[k]}
# Try to generate infos from transfer rules
with ErrorLogger(self.logger):
if self._cache:
self._in_info_cache = exchange_infos
self._out_info_cache = push_infos
self._out_data_cache = push_data
any_done = self._exchange_in_infos()
for name, info in self.out_infos.items():
if info is None:
self.out_infos[name] = self.outputs[name].info
any_done = True
self.logger.trace("Successfully pulled output info for %s", name)
except FinamNoDataError:
self.logger.trace("Failed to pull output info for %s", name)
any_done += self._push(start_time)
for name, data in self.in_data.items():
if data is None:
info = self.in_infos[name]
if info is not None:
self.in_data[name] = self.inputs[name].pull_data(
start_time or info.time
any_done = True
self.logger.trace("Successfully pulled input data for %s", name)
except FinamNoDataError:
self.logger.trace("Failed to pull input data for %s", name)
if (
all(v is not None for v in self.in_infos.values())
and all(v is not None for v in self.out_infos.values())
and all(v is not None for v in self.in_data.values())
and all(v for v in self.infos_pushed.values())
and all(v for v in self.data_pushed.values())
with ErrorLogger(self.logger):
return ComponentStatus.CONNECTED
if any_done:
return ComponentStatus.CONNECTING
return ComponentStatus.CONNECTING_IDLE
def _apply_in_info_rules(self):
exchange_infos = {}
for name, rules in self._in_info_rules.items():
if self.in_infos[name] is None and name not in self._in_info_cache:
info = self._apply_rules(rules)
exchange_infos[name] = info
except MissingInfoError:
return exchange_infos
def _apply_out_info_rules(self):
push_infos = {}
for name, rules in self._out_info_rules.items():
if not self.infos_pushed[name] and name not in self._out_info_cache:
info = self._apply_rules(rules)
push_infos[name] = info
except MissingInfoError:
return push_infos
def _check_names(self, exchange_infos, push_infos, push_data):
for name in exchange_infos:
if name not in self._inputs:
raise KeyError(
f"No input named '{name}' available to exchange info for."
for name in push_infos:
if name not in self._outputs:
raise KeyError(f"No output named '{name}' available to push info.")
for name in push_data:
if name not in self._outputs:
raise KeyError(f"No output named '{name}' available to push data.")
def _check_in_rules(self, exchange_infos, push_infos):
for name in exchange_infos:
if name in self._in_info_rules:
raise ValueError(
f"There are info transfer rules given for input `{name}`. "
f"Can't provide the info directly."
for name in push_infos:
if name in self._out_info_rules:
raise ValueError(
f"There are info transfer rules given for output `{name}`. "
f"Can't provide the info directly."
def _exchange_in_infos(self):
any_done = False
for name, info in self._exchanged_in_infos.items():
if info is None and self.inputs[name].info is not None:
self.in_infos[name] = self.inputs[name].exchange_info()
any_done = True
self.logger.trace("Successfully exchanged input info for %s", name)
except FinamNoDataError:
self.logger.trace("Failed to exchange input info for %s", name)
for name, info in list(self._in_info_cache.items()):
if self.in_infos[name] is None:
inf = self.inputs[name].info
self.in_infos[name] = self.inputs[name].exchange_info(
None if inf is not None else info
any_done = True
self.logger.trace("Successfully exchanged input info for %s", name)
except FinamNoDataError:
self.logger.trace("Failed to exchange input info for %s", name)
return any_done
def _push(self, time):
any_done = False
for name, info in list(self._out_info_cache.items()):
if not self.infos_pushed[name]:
self.infos_pushed[name] = True
any_done = True
self.logger.trace("Successfully pushed output info for %s", name)
for name, data in list(self._out_data_cache.items()):
if not self.data_pushed[name] and self.infos_pushed[name]:
info = self.out_infos[name]
if info is not None:
self._push_data(name, data, time, info.time)
any_done = True
return any_done
def _push_data(self, name, data, time, info_time):
out = self.outputs[name]
if out.is_static:
out.push_data(data, None)
elif info_time != time:
out.push_data(data, time)
out.push_data(copy.copy(data), info_time)
out.push_data(data, info_time)
self.data_pushed[name] = True
self.logger.trace("Successfully pushed output data for %s", name)
def _check_times(infos):
t = None
for _, info in infos.items():
if t is None:
t = info.time
elif t != info.time:
raise FinamTimeError("Input infos have different starting times.")
def _transfer_fields(source_info, target_info, fields):
if len(fields) == 0:
target_info.time = source_info.time
target_info.grid = source_info.grid
target_info.meta = copy.copy(source_info.meta)
for field in fields:
if field == "time":
target_info.time = source_info.time
elif field == "grid":
target_info.grid = source_info.grid
target_info.meta[field] = source_info.meta[field]