
Components that are no simulation models. Like IO, visualization, pre- and post-processing, etc.

See also book chapter Known FINAM modules for a list of other components that are not included in the core package.


CallbackComponent(inputs, outputs, callback, ...)

Component to generate, transform or consume data in fixed time intervals using a callback.

CallbackGenerator(callbacks, start, step)

Component to generate data in fixed time intervals from multiple callbacks.

CsvReader(path, time_column, outputs[, ...])

Reads CSV time series with one row per time step, and emits values based on a time column.

CsvWriter(path, start, step, inputs[, ...])

Writes CSV time series with one row per time step, from multiple inputs.

DebugConsumer(inputs, start, step[, ...])

Generic component with arbitrary inputs and extensive debug logging.

DebugPushConsumer(inputs[, callbacks, ...])

Generic component with arbitrary inputs and extensive debug logging.

ParametricGrid([info, func])

Pull-based parametric grid generator.

ScheduleLogger(inputs[, time_step, ...])

Logging of module update schedule.

SimplexNoise([info, frequency, ...])

Pull-based simplex noise generator.


Component to generate static data from multiple callbacks.

StaticParametricGrid([info, func])

Static parametric grid generator.

StaticSimplexNoise([info, frequency, ...])

Static simplex noise generator.

TimeTrigger(start, step[, in_info, ...])

Component to forward data in regular time intervals.

UserControl(start[, step])

Component to allow users to step a simulation.

WeightedSum(inputs[, grid])

Pull-based component to merge inputs by weighted sum.