Model coupling scripts

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Coupling setups are created and executed using Python scripts.

Simple example

Here is a simple example coupling two components:


import random
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

import finam as fm
from finam.modules.generators import CallbackGenerator
from finam.modules.visual.time_series import TimeSeriesView

if __name__ == "__main__":
  # Instantiate components, e.g. models

  # Here, we use a simple component that outputs a random number each step
  generator = CallbackGenerator(
    {"Value": (lambda _t: random.uniform(0, 1), fm.Info(grid=fm.NoGrid()))},
    start=datetime(2000, 1, 1),

  # A live plotting component
  plot = TimeSeriesView(
    start=datetime(2000, 1, 1),

  # Create a `Composition` containing all components
  composition = fm.Composition([generator, plot])

  # Initialize the `Composition`

  # Couple inputs to outputs
  generator.outputs["Value"] >> plot.inputs["Value"]

  # Run the composition until January 2001, 1, 1))

In the above example, we couple a simple generator component (CallbackGenerator) with a live plotting component (TimeSeriesView).

Note: with package finam installed, simply run the above scripts with:

$ python

The typical steps in a script are:

  1. Instantiate components and adapters (see next example)
  2. Create a Composition and initialize it
  3. Connect outputs to inputs using the overloaded >> operator (__rshift__)
  4. Run the Composition

Inputs and outputs

Inputs and outputs of a component can be retrieved via inputs and outputs properties. Both methods return a Python dict-like, with strings as keys and input or output objects as values, respectively.

An input can be connected to an output using either >> (as in the examples), or the output's method chain(input). Both lines here are equivalent:

generator.outputs["Value"] >> plot.inputs["Value"]


In the above example, both coupled components match in terms of the exchanged data (numeric value) as well as their time step (1).

This is not necessarily the case for all coupling setups. To mediate between components, FINAM uses adapters. Those can be used to transform data (regridding, geographic projections, ...) or for temporal interpolation or aggregation.

The following examples uses a similar setup like the previous one, but with differing time steps and two chained adapters:


import random
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

import finam as fm
from finam.adapters import base, time
from finam.modules import generators, visual

if __name__ == "__main__":
  # Instantiate components, e.g. models

  # Here, we use a simple component that outputs a random number each step
  generator = generators.CallbackGenerator(
    {"Value": (lambda _t: random.uniform(0, 1), fm.Info(grid=fm.NoGrid()))},
    start=datetime(2000, 1, 1),

  # A live plotting component
  plot = visual.time_series.TimeSeriesView(
    start=datetime(2000, 1, 1),

  # Create two adapters for...
  # temporal interpolation
  time_interpolation_adapter = time.LinearTime()
  # data transformation
  square_adapter = base.Callback(lambda x, _time: x * x)

  # Create a `Composition` containing all components
  composition = fm.Composition([generator, plot])

  # Initialize the `Composition`

  # Couple inputs to outputs, via multiple adapters
          >> time_interpolation_adapter
          >> square_adapter
          >> plot.inputs["Value"]

  # Run the composition until January 2000, 1, 1))

Adapter chaining

As can be seen from the example, components and adapters can be chained using the >> operator (or the chain(...) method).

This is achieved by:

  1. An adapter is an input, and at the same time an output
  2. The chained input is returned by >> and chain(...). In case the chained input is an adapter (and thus also an output), it can be immediately reused in a further chaining operation


FINAM provides a comprehensive logging framework built on Pythons standard logging package.

You can configure the base logger when creating the Composition as shown above:

import logging

comp = Composition(

There you have several options:

  • logger_name: (str) Base name of the logger in the output (FINAM by default)
  • print_log: (bool) Whether logging should be shown in the terminal output
  • log_file: (None, bool, pathlike) Whether a log-file should be created
    • None or False: no log file will be written
    • True: a log file with the name {logger_name}_{time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S')}.log will be created in the current working directory (e.g. FINAM_2022-09-26_12-58-15.log)
    • <pathlike>: log file will be created under the given path
  • log_level: (int) this will control the level of logging (logging.INFO by default)
    • only log messages with a level equal or higher than the given logging level will be shown
    • options are (from most to least verbose): logging.DEBUG, logging.INFO, logging.WARNING, logging.ERROR, logging.CRITICAL or any positive integer number

A log file could look like this, when setting the logging level to logging.INFO:

2022-08-26 11:31:28,283 - FINAM - INFO - doing fine
2022-08-26 11:31:28,284 - FINAM - WARNING - Boo

or like this, when setting logging level to logging.DEBUG:

2022-08-26 11:31:28,283 - FINAM - INFO - doing fine
2022-08-26 11:31:28,284 - FINAM - WARNING - Boo
2022-08-26 11:31:28,285 - FINAM - DEBUG - Some debugging message